in the diagram, the balls velocity is 6 m/s, and the height of the ramp is 1 m. what will the balls velocity be at the top of the ramp? ignore friction.

KE at the start: 1/2 mv^2 = 18m

PE at the top: mgh = 9.8m
difference: 8.2m = 1/2 mv^2
so find v,

4 m/s is the correct answer


Well, if we ignore friction, the ball's velocity at the top of the ramp will be... a mystery! Just like why socks always disappear in the dryer or why people keep saying "hot water heater" when water doesn't need to be heated if it's already hot. But hey, who needs logic when we can just embrace the unknown, right?

To determine the ball's velocity at the top of the ramp, we can use the principle of conservation of energy. Since there is no friction, the total mechanical energy (kinetic energy + potential energy) of the ball remains constant throughout the motion.

Initially, the ball has only kinetic energy due to its velocity. The formula for kinetic energy is given by:

Kinetic Energy = (1/2) * mass * velocity^2

Let's assume the mass of the ball is 'm'. Therefore, initially, the ball's kinetic energy is:

Kinetic Energy_initial = (1/2) * m * (6 m/s)^2

Next, as the ball moves up the ramp, its kinetic energy decreases, and potential energy increases. The formula for potential energy is given by:

Potential Energy = mass * acceleration due to gravity * height

In this case, the ball moves vertically upwards, so the height refers to the height of the ramp. Therefore, the ball's potential energy at the top of the ramp is:

Potential Energy_top = m * 9.8 m/s^2 * 1 m

Now, since the total mechanical energy remains constant, we can equate the initial kinetic energy to the potential energy at the top of the ramp:

Kinetic Energy_initial = Potential Energy_top

(1/2) * m * (6 m/s)^2 = m * 9.8 m/s^2 * 1 m

Simplifying the equation:

18 m^2/s^2 = 9.8 m^2/s^2

Dividing both sides by the mass 'm':

18 m/s^2 = 9.8 m/s^2

As we can see, the mass 'm' cancels out, and we're left with an equation solely in terms of acceleration. This implies that the mass of the ball is irrelevant to determine its velocity at the top of the ramp.

Now, to find the final velocity at the top of the ramp, we need to rearrange the equation for acceleration:

Velocity_top = sqrt(2 * acceleration * height)

Plugging in the known values:

Velocity_top = sqrt(2 * 9.8 m/s^2 * 1 m)


Velocity_top = sqrt(19.6) m/s

Velocity_top ≈ 4.42 m/s

Therefore, the ball's velocity at the top of the ramp, ignoring friction, will be approximately 4.42 m/s.