According to the Bering Land Bridge Theory, how do scientists think people first arrived in North America?

After the Ice Age, glaciers melted and people came in small boats.
During the Ice Age, the sea froze and people crossed the ice.
After the Ice Age, glaciers melted and people crossed land.
During the Ice Age, the sea level dropped and people crossed land.
What is the earliest known civilization in North America?

The Inca
The Olmec
The Maya
Select 2 examples below of advances made in the civilizations of ancient Mexico, Central America and South America.

Developed an accurate calendar.
Developed a number system with the concept of zero.
Created a government based on the English Bill of Rights.
Established missions to convert other civilizations to Christianity.
Which of the following is an example of how the Aztec adapted their island environment?

A surplus of farmed crops
An accurate 365 day calendar
Farming in terraces.
Farming using chinampas.
What was the conquistadors’ advantages in defeating the Aztec and Inca civilizations? Select 3 reasons.

steal armor
modern weapons
larger armies
immunity to smallpox
Native American cultural and spiritual beliefs were influenced by

adaptations to the physical features of different regions where they settled.
the Pope
the monarchy of Spain
the Pilgrim settlements in California.
What was the initial reason for Columbus’s journey to the New World?

To seek religious freedom due to the Protestant Reformation
To find a sea route to Asia that would give Spain direct access to valuable products of Asia
To build a colony in North America to take advantage of fur trading
To establish a slave trade route from the Americas to Africa and Europe
Which of the following best describes the Columbian Exchange?

Explorers shipped stolen wheat and barley to Europe
A trade route between the Europe and the Americas.
New plants and animals were brought to Europe and Americas.
Columbus discovered new animals in the Americas and wrote to Europe about them.
Read the following text from American History about the Dutch colony, New Netherlands and then answer the question.

“On the island of Manhattan, and in its environs, there may well be four or five hundred men of different [religious] sects and nations: ...they are scattered here and there on the river, above and below,...the spot (is inviting) has invited each to settle."

What can you conclude about the Dutch settlers?

They were NOT open to settlers from other countries.
They were hostile to Native Americans
They practiced religious tolerance
They had a good business sense

what do you think?

According to the Bering Land Bridge Theory, scientists think people first arrived in North America by crossing land. After the Ice Age, the glaciers melted and exposed a land bridge called the Bering Land Bridge, which connected Asia and North America. It is believed that early humans migrated from Asia to North America by crossing this land bridge.

The earliest known civilization in North America is the Olmec civilization, so the answer is C. The Olmec civilization thrived in the Gulf Coast region of what is now Mexico from around 1200 BCE to 400 BCE.

Two examples of advances made in the civilizations of ancient Mexico, Central America, and South America are developing an accurate calendar and developing a number system with the concept of zero. So the correct answers are A and B. The Maya civilization, for example, had a highly accurate calendar system and the concept of zero was developed by the Maya and also used by other Mesoamerican civilizations.

An example of how the Aztec adapted their island environment is farming using chinampas. Chinampas were floating gardens used for agriculture, where Aztec farmers grew crops on rafts made of reeds and anchored them to the shallow lakebed near their island capital, Tenochtitlan. So the answer is D.

The conquistadors' advantages in defeating the Aztec and Inca civilizations were modern weapons (such as firearms), immunity to smallpox, and larger armies. So the correct answers are B, C, and D. The Spanish conquistadors had superior military technology, including guns and cannons, which gave them an advantage over the Aztec and Inca warriors. Additionally, the indigenous populations had no immunity to diseases brought by the Europeans, such as smallpox, which caused devastating epidemics. The Spanish also had larger armies and the support of rival indigenous groups who opposed the Aztec and Inca empires.

Native American cultural and spiritual beliefs were influenced by adaptations to the physical features of different regions where they settled. So the answer is A. Native American tribes developed unique cultures and spiritual beliefs based on their interactions with the natural environment and their adaptations to the specific geographical features of the regions they inhabited.

The initial reason for Columbus's journey to the New World was to find a sea route to Asia that would give Spain direct access to valuable products of Asia. So the answer is B. Columbus was seeking a shorter trade route to Asia in order to bypass the Ottoman Empire, which controlled the land routes to the East and made trade difficult and expensive for European nations.

The Columbian Exchange refers to the exchange of plants, animals, and diseases between the Old World (Europe, Africa, and Asia) and the New World (the Americas) following Columbus's voyages. So the answer is C. New plants and animals, such as potatoes, tomatoes, and tobacco, were introduced to Europe, while crops like wheat and barley were brought to the Americas. Diseases like smallpox, measles, and influenza also spread from Europe to the indigenous populations of the Americas, causing devastating epidemics.

From the given text about the Dutch colony, New Netherlands, we can conclude that the Dutch settlers practiced religious tolerance. The text mentions that there were men of different religious sects and nations living on the island of Manhattan and its environs, and they were scattered along the river. This indicates a diverse and tolerant community, allowing settlers of different religious backgrounds to live together. Therefore, the answer is C.