Which of the following sentences fixes the fragment below? After the long winter.

A. After the long winter, we were glad it was spring.
B. Outside by the garden, after the long winter.
C. After the long winter inside the big, gloomy house.
D. Once they saw us, after the long winter.

I think its A but im not sure :(

Its the Standard English Unit Test

on connexus

A is right.



To determine which sentence fixes the fragment "After the long winter," we need to identify the sentence that provides a complete thought or adds additional information to complete the meaning. Let's analyze each option:

A. "After the long winter, we were glad it was spring." - This sentence is a complete thought and provides a proper response to the fragment. It adds information about being glad that spring arrived after the long winter. Therefore, this option appears to fix the fragment correctly.

B. "Outside by the garden, after the long winter." - This sentence ends abruptly and does not provide a complete thought. It also seems to lack a verb, which makes it grammatically incorrect.

C. "After the long winter inside the big, gloomy house." - Similar to option B, this sentence also ends abruptly and does not provide a complete thought. It lacks a verb, making it grammatically incorrect as well.

D. "Once they saw us, after the long winter." - This sentence seems to have a separate context and does not effectively complete the fragment. It introduces a new event (once they saw us) that is not directly connected to the long winter.

Based on these analyses, option A, "After the long winter, we were glad it was spring," is the correct choice. It provides a complete thought and properly addresses the fragment by expressing the emotion of being glad after enduring the long winter and transitioning to the arrival of spring.