This image is from the Egyptian culture. The universe in the center is being held by the gods and goddesses. What about the design indicates to you that the figures around the outside of the center are important?

The gods and goddesses are holding the universe, which implies that they are important beings that have power over the universe.

Sb gimme the answer .

They are important because they are shown outside of the universe and much larger than the other figures.

To determine the importance of the figures around the outside of the center in the image, we can carefully observe their depiction and analyze their positioning within the composition.

First, examine the figures around the outside of the center and consider the following aspects:

1. Size and Scale: Are the figures larger or smaller than the central universe? In ancient Egyptian art, size often indicated hierarchy or importance. If the outer figures are larger, it suggests their significance in relation to the central universe.

2. Detail and Differentiation: Do the outer figures have distinguishing features or attributes that set them apart? This could imply specific roles or characteristics associated with them, further emphasizing their importance.

3. Positioning and Location: Are the outer figures arranged in a deliberate pattern or order? In Egyptian art, placement was intentional and often denoted hierarchy. If certain figures are placed in prominent positions or lead the composition, it suggests their greater significance.

Additionally, you can research Egyptian mythology and iconography to understand the roles of different gods and goddesses. This background knowledge will give you insight into the cultural context of the image and help you recognize the important figures based on their attributes, symbols, or associations.

By analyzing these visual cues and contextual information, you can gain a deeper understanding of why the figures around the outside of the central universe are considered important in the Egyptian culture depicted in the image.