Question 1

A) What would be the result of a cytosine base being substituted for a thymine base in a DNA segment during DNA replication? (1 point)

The entire segment of DNA would be affected.

There would be no effect on the DNA.

The cytosine base would pair with adenine when the DNA was replicated.

The sequence could code for the wrong amino acid during translation.

Question 2
A) Which of the following best explains why a cell spends most of the time during the cell cycle in interphase?(1 point)

Growth of the cell and replication of DNA prepare the cell for division.

Interphase is the last stage before exiting the cell cycle.

Mitosis happens during this phase where the cell divides.

Protein synthesis reads each codon carefully to ensure accuracy.

Question 3
A) Which statement is the first step of protein synthesis?(1 point)

DNA unzips between the base pairs.

A ribosome attaches to the mRNA.

Amino acids are linked together with peptide bonds.

tRNA carries amino acids to the ribosome and attaches them to the mRNA strand.
Question 4
A) Which statement is true?(1 point)

Amino acids do not need to be assembled in a particular order.

The human body uses 20 amino acids to form all types of proteins.

Amino acids form a polypeptide chain via carbon-carbon bonds.

tRNA is attached to specific proteins in the cell’s cytoplasm.
Question 5
A) Which statement about cystic fibrosis is true?(1 point)

Cystic fibrosis affects a person’s ability to make normal red blood cells.

Carriers have an advantage over people who do not have the cystic fibrosis mutation.

Cystic fibrosis is caused by a frameshift deletion of one codon in the DNA molecule.

Cystic fibrosis is caused by a mutation in which a dominant allele replaces a recessive allele.

Question 6
A) What benefit does using the CRISPR technique have in creating GMOs?(1 point)

Diversity within species can continue to increase through crossbreeding.

CRISPR can result in infertile hybrids.

Precise traits can be chosen to produce viable organisms more quickly.

It eliminates all risk of mutation.

Question 7
A) What is the phenotype of a mouse that has the genotype Bb where B is the gene for black fur and b is the gene for brown fur assuming this gene follows a Mendelian inheritance pattern?(1 point)

fur with black hairs

fur with yellow hairs

fur with both black and brown hairs

fur with brown hairs

Question 8
A) A tall, heterozygous pea plant is crossed with another tall, heterozygous pea plant. What is the probability that an offspring will be a short plant?(1 point)




Question 9
A) Which of the following mutations would be most likely to have a harmful effect on an organism?(1 point)

an insertion of a cytosine base near the start of an exon

a substitution of a thymine for an adenine

a deletion of 3 bases near the center of a gene

a deletion of a guanine base near the center of an intron

Question 10
A) Which statement best describes why Punnett squares are useful?(1 point)

Punnett squares are used to predict how recessive alleles are inherited.

Punnett squares are used to predict how dominant alleles are inherited.

Punnett squares are used to predict all possible allele combinations and their frequencies in offspring.

Punnett squares are used to predict the most likely allele combinations of the parents in a cross.

Ah yes, I see you are taking the DNA unit test as well. I also need these answers, I may be Captain Connections but I can't save the day all the time.

1.The sequence could code for the wrong amino acid during translation.

2.Growth of the cell and replication of DNA prepare the cell for division.
3.DNA unzips between the base pairs.
4.The human body uses 20 amino acids to form all types of proteins.
5.Cystic fibrosis is caused by a frameshift deletion of one codon in the DNA molecule.
6.Precise traits can be chosen to produce viable organisms more quickly.
7.fur with black hairs
9.there is not enough information to know whether a mutation would be harmful
10.Punnett squares are used to predict all possible allele combinations and their frequencies in offspring.

Answers for DNA Unit Test

Don't trust me if you want sorry no letters just in case they change it
1.The sequence could code for the wrong amino acid during translation.
2.Growth of the cell and replication of DNA prepare the cell for division.
3.DNA unzips between the base pairs.
5.Cystic fibrosis is caused by a frameshift deletion of one codon in the DNA molecule.
6.Exercising outside is correlated with an increased incidence of skin cancer.
7.Fur with black hairs
8.there is not enough information to know whether a mutation would be harmful
10.Punnett squares are used to predict all possible allele combinations and their frequencies in offspring.
11.Mendelian inheritance concerns genetic traits that are controlled by only two alleles, while non-Mendelian inheritance is controlled by multiple alleles.
12.viral DNA or RNA copied by a host cell
13.A provirus is viral DNA incorporated into the host cell's DNA
14.It possesses a viral genome that mutates very quickly.
15.It copies the information for reproduction from RNA back into DNA.
16-20 writing

@girl i love you bro... you don't even know how hard you clutched up

soooo, can anybody confirm these ?

@yeet the likes are usually the indicator.

There are all correct 😝

Thanks so much for the answers I could cry Rn this stresses me outtt

omgggg tyyy

dudes, i got to hand it to each other, we have beaten the system. i applaud those who have pioneered the answers

these are the answers to the quiz but after question one they dont follow the same order.... question and answer for #3 for yall is now #2 then it follows that order :)

yurr that is not true, most of them are changed smh

100% YAAAAY!


I’m ngl , this ain’t work for me & this was the right questions , just wrong answers wtf

can y’all include the questions

100% as of now

This is for LCA, some of the answers up there got changed ig?

1. The sequence could code for the wrong amino acid during translation
2. DNA unzips between the base pairs
3. The human body uses 20 amino acids to form all types of proteins
4. Cystic fibrosis is caused by a deletion of one codon in the DNA molecule
5. Precise traits can be chosen to produce viable organisms more quickly
6. Fur with black hairs
7. 25%
8. There is not enough information to know whether a mutation would be harmful
9. Punnett squares are used to predict all possible allele combinations and their frequencies in offspring
10. Yellow
11. Viral DNA or RNA copied by a host cell
12. A provirus is viral DNA incorporated into the host cell's DNA
13. It possesses a viral genome that mutates very quickly
14. It copies the information for reproduction from RNA back into DNA

Sorry about 15-19 I didn't even answer them myself.
Good luck to you all! :)

This is easy but connexus doesn't teach you enough and gives you at least 15 assignments a day to where it becomes too much.

Which of the following mutations would be most likely to have a harmful effect on an organism?

all mutations have a harmful effect on organisms
all mutations have a harmful effect on organisms

a substitution of a thymine for an adenine
a substitution of a thymine for an adenine

there is not enough information to know whether a mutation would be harmful
there is not enough information to know whether a mutation would be harmful

a deletion of 3 bases near the center of a gene

This one is C, all the others are Brainly and most are correct.

Which statement best describes why Punnett squares are useful?

Punnett squares are used to predict all possible allele combinations and their frequencies in offspring.****
Punnett squares are used to predict all possible allele combinations and their frequencies in offspring.

Punnett squares are used to predict how dominant alleles are inherited.
Punnett squares are used to predict how dominant alleles are inherited.

Punnett squares are used to predict how recessive alleles are inherited.
Punnett squares are used to predict how recessive alleles are inherited.

Punnett squares are used to predict the most likely allele combinations of the parents in a cross.

This one is A