
add up your x's

3x+34x-40x is -3x
make that equal zero
then divide both sides by -3 to get x alone

sorry,,,,wrong..can't divide by 0

did you mean

so who's dividing by zero?

0/-3 = 0
because 0 = 0 * -3

0*anything = 0

also, "x" is a variable name
"×" is the multiplication operator, usually typed as * online to avoid the confusion.
Just wondering why, since your keyboard has an "x" key, you switched to using the "×" symbol ...

To solve the equation 3x + 34× - 40× = 0, we can start by combining like terms.

The terms with x are 3x on the left side of the equation, and there are no x terms on the right side. So, we can rewrite the equation as:

3x + (34 - 40)× = 0

Now, simplifying further:

3x - 6× = 0

Combining the x terms:

3x - 6× = 0

Next, we can factor out the common factor of x:

x(3 - 6) = 0


-3x = 0

Now, we can isolate x by dividing both sides of the equation by -3:

x = 0 / -3

Therefore, the solution to the equation 3x + 34× - 40× = 0 is x = 0.