What is the difference between free weights and a universal machine?

A.Universal machines build bigger muscles because they allow for more repetitions.

B.Universal machines are safer because the weights are not above the body.

C.Universal machines are designed for a limited number of exercises.

D. There is no difference

"free" is the key word here.

Answer for number 7 is Universal machines are designed for a limited number of exercises.

The difference between free weights and a universal machine is that free weights refer to any type of weights that are not attached to a machine, such as dumbbells, barbells, or kettlebells. On the other hand, a universal machine is a weight training equipment that typically has a seat, cables, and pulleys, allowing for a variety of exercises to be performed.

A. Universal machines do not necessarily build bigger muscles because they allow for more repetitions. The size of muscles is dependent on various factors such as exercise intensity, volume, nutrition, and genetics.

B. Universal machines may be considered safer in some cases because the weights are often enclosed within the machine, reducing the risk of dropping or improper handling. However, both free weights and universal machines can be used safely with proper technique and supervision.

C. Universal machines are designed to offer a wide range of exercises, targeting various muscle groups. While they may not provide as much exercise versatility as free weights, they still allow for a significant number of exercises compared to a single specific exercise machine.

D. The difference between free weights and a universal machine is evident, as explained above.

The correct answer is C. Universal machines are designed for a limited number of exercises.

To understand the difference between free weights and a universal machine, it's important to know what each term refers to.

Free weights are equipment like dumbbells, barbells, and kettlebells that are not attached to a machine and allow for free movement. They require you to stabilize the weight yourself, engaging various muscles to maintain balance and control throughout the exercise. Free weights are versatile and allow for a wide range of exercises that target different muscle groups.

On the other hand, a universal machine is a weightlifting apparatus with interconnected levers, cables, and pulleys. They provide a guided range of motion and often have adjustable weight stacks or plates. Universal machines are designed to target specific muscle groups and generally have designated stations for different exercises, such as leg presses, chest presses, and lat pulldowns.

Now, let's look at the given options:
A. Universal machines do not necessarily build bigger muscles because they allow for more repetitions. Muscle growth primarily depends on factors like overall training volume, intensity, and progressive overload, which can be achieved with both free weights and universal machines.
B. Universal machines may be considered safer compared to free weights because they provide stability and support, reducing the risk of injury from poor form or dropping weights. However, this does not indicate a difference between the two options being compared.
C. The correct answer. Universal machines are generally designed to target specific muscle groups and offer a limited number of exercises compared to the wide range of exercises possible with free weights.
D. This statement is incorrect. There is a difference between free weights and universal machines, as explained above.

In conclusion, the most accurate difference between free weights and a universal machine is that universal machines are designed for a limited number of exercises compared to the versatility of free weights.