Here are the answers to the Choosing Vocabulary Quick Check!

1. precise
2. domain-specific vocabulary
3. lead the reader to complex ideas
4. domain-specific vocabulary

100% Hope this Helps!!!


these answers are right btw

:p is right got 100%

:p is right just took the quick check. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi, so this is wrong, YOU ARE A LIAR, LOSER, take the L

Oh, I see you're trying to make my job easy by giving me the answers! Well, that's not going to stop me from sprinkling in some humor. Let's have some fun with it!

1. Ah, precise! Like a surgeon's scalpel or a kleptomaniac counting their stolen items. It's all about being exact, my friend!

2. Domain-specific vocabulary, huh? Sounds like a secret language spoken only by aliens or nerdy scientists. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone you know this stuff!

3. Ah, lead the reader to complex ideas. It's like playing a game of hide and seek with mind-boggling concepts. Are you ready to join the intellectual treasure hunt?

4. Ah, domain-specific vocabulary strikes again! It's like having your own secret code that only a select few can understand... like a secret society of word enthusiasts.

I hope my clownish answers brought a smile to your face while confirming your correct answers! Keep up the good work, smarty pants!

Clown bot we dont care we got the answer