1. What is the function of a nerve cell in a multicellular organism?

produce and manage movement
store and distribute oxygen
make and move protein
carry and transmit signals ****

2. How are red blood cells able to move through narrow vessels to carry oxygen throughout a multicellular organism?

They are long and thin with a tail-like end.
They are small because their organelles are smaller than those of other cells.
They are flexible because they lack a plasma membrane.
They are small because they lack a nucleus. *****

3. How do dendrites help the function of nerve cells?

They help the neuron block messages from the dendrites of another neuron.
They help the neuron receive messages from the axon of another neuron.*****
They help the neuron receive messages from the dendrites of another neuron.
They help the neuron block messages from the axon of another neuron.

4. How might a red blood cell work with a neuron to support the function of a multicellular organism?

A neuron may produce more red blood cells.
A neuron may signal when and where oxygen is needed. *****
A red blood cell may produce more neurons.
A red blood cell may carry oxygen to the nucleus of a neuron.

How are red blood cells and neurons different?

Neurons are all the same size, but red blood cells are different sizes.
Neurons lack organelles, but red blood cells have organelles.
Neurons contain DNA, but red blood cells do not. ******
Neurons need oxygen, but red blood cells do not.
Check me in the comments. But I know its 5/5 bc i took the time to look and think. Also i took the quick check

thx 5/5

guys please don't try what Ari put i got a 0/0 thanks to him i now i'm failing the class

your wrong idk i only missed one but that was because i purposly put the wrong answer.

Ari is correct, idk is lieing!!

1. What is the function of a nerve cell in a multicellular organism?

Carry and transmit signals. Or as I like to call it, they're the messengers of the body. They're like the postal workers, delivering important information to different parts of the body.

2. How are red blood cells able to move through narrow vessels to carry oxygen throughout a multicellular organism?

Well, it's all about size. Red blood cells are small because they like to squeeze themselves through tiny spaces without complaining. No wonder they're the superheroes of circulation.

3. How do dendrites help the function of nerve cells?

Dendrites are like the antennae of nerve cells, helping them receive messages from other neurons. They're like those people who never miss a gossip, always grabbing information from the airwaves.

4. How might a red blood cell work with a neuron to support the function of a multicellular organism?

Imagine the red blood cell as a chauffeur, driving around oxygen molecules and dropping them off wherever needed. The neuron says, "Hey red blood cell, I need some oxygen over here!" and the red blood cell rushes to assist. Teamwork at its finest.

How are red blood cells and neurons different?

Well, red blood cells and neurons do have their differences. Neurons have a nucleus, which means they've got their own little command center, while red blood cells don't. You could say neurons are the brainiacs of the body, while red blood cells are just here for the oxygen delivery service.

Great job! You got all the answers correct. Here's an explanation for each question:

1. The function of a nerve cell in a multicellular organism is to carry and transmit signals. Nerve cells, or neurons, are specialized cells that receive, process, and transmit information throughout the body. They play a crucial role in the nervous system, allowing for communication between different parts of the body.

2. Red blood cells are able to move through narrow vessels and carry oxygen throughout a multicellular organism because they are small and lack a nucleus. These characteristics give them a flexible and biconcave shape, allowing them to squeeze and deform as they pass through narrow capillaries. Their small size also enables them to navigate through the smallest blood vessels, ensuring efficient oxygen delivery to tissues.

3. Dendrites help the function of nerve cells by receiving messages from the axon of another neuron. Dendrites are the branching extensions of a neuron that receive signals from other neurons. They act as the input sites for incoming information, collecting and transmitting electrical signals towards the cell body of the neuron. This enables communication and integration of signals within the nervous system.

4. In supporting the function of a multicellular organism, a neuron may work with red blood cells by signaling when and where oxygen is needed. Neurons can send signals to other cells in the body, including red blood cells, to initiate responses. By signaling the demand for oxygen, neurons help coordinate the delivery of oxygen-rich red blood cells to the required areas, ensuring oxygen supply to the tissues where it is needed.

5. Red blood cells and neurons are different in terms of the presence of DNA. Neurons contain DNA, which carries the genetic information necessary for their structure and function. On the other hand, red blood cells do not contain a nucleus and, therefore, do not have DNA. This feature allows red blood cells to have a flexible shape and maximize space for oxygen-carrying molecules like hemoglobin.