Of these things in an environment, which one is a living thing?(1 point)

soil (clay)
soil (clay)

air (wind)
air (wind)

water (river)
water (river)

fungus (mushroom)
fungus (mushroom)


if its not right it's my fault but its the only living thing out of all of them so I should be 100% right!

I hope that was a good enough explanation but another reason why is because it grows and plants technicity is alive, Water is a liquid, Air/ Wind is not seeable, Soil/Clay soil is dirt so no we make clay so it really wouldn't be that ( Hope this is a good explanation!!!)

You are correct and right on! Good work. There is nothing wrong with picking the correct answer by eliminating all the others that you know are wrong.

plz help

ur mom

Anyone know the rest of the answers or no?

What made the discovery of cells possible?(1 point)

the use of magnifying glasses

the invention of the microscope

the study of viruses and bacteria

the observation of cells by Hooke and Pasteur

Which of the following best describes the modern cell theory?(1 point)

Modern cell theory describes the process of how cells come from preexisting cells.

Modern cell theory describes the three criteria for determining living things.

Modern cell theory describes the difference between multicellular and unicellular organisms.

Modern cell theory describes the tiny structures that are found within cells.

Amoebas are unicellular. The single cell splits in half to form two new cells. A student claims amoebas are alive. Is the student correct?(1 point)

The student is correct; , amoebas are probably alive because they have reproductive capabilities and create offspring through reproduction.

The student is not correct; amoebas are not alive because they are only made of one cell.

The student is correct; amoebas are alive because they become multicellular.

The student is not correct; amoebas are not alive because two different amoebas are not contributing together to make a new offspring.

#1 is fungus

I'm not so sure about the rest
I think #2 is the invention of the microscope
I have no idea about #3 and #4

Ok I think I got it know

but don't blame me
#1 fungus
#2 the invention of the microscope
#3 Modern cell theory describes the three criteria for determining living things.
#4 The student is correct; amoebas are probably alive because they have reproductive capabilities and create offspring through reproduction.
so in essence

Yep! I just checked and got 100%

Good luck!

thank you Anonymous I got 100%

Anonymous you rock!!! Checked my answers against yours correct!!!


If your in connexus @Anonymous is correct. for me i didnt go by the letters so just go by the actual sentences. i got 100% btw.

The real answer for CONNEXUS is

1. Fungus (mushroom)
2. The use of magnifying
3. Cell theory describes the three criteria for determining living things
4. The student is correct; ambeos are probably alive because they have reproductive capabilities and create offspring through reproduction.
Hope this helps.

@CONNEXUS STUDENT answers are 3/4 number two is wrong



1. Fungus (mushroom)

2. The invention of the microscope
3. Cell theory describes three criteria for determining living things
4. The student is correct; amoebas are probably alive because they have reproductive capabilities and create offspring through reproduction.

Don’t use “CONNEXUS STUDENT” answers I got a 3/4. Anonymous is 100% correct, although the letters given are not.

hello children anyone who listens to ms sue do not! she has been caught telling kids to jump of bridges and to kill themselves

....what??? she did???

hi, i just answered whatever, and got the right answers,

1. a

@Bunni is correct.

Of these thingsin an environment, which one is a living thing?

A) air
B) river flowing down a mountain
c)mushrooms sprouting
d) clay on the side of the riverbank

mushroom sprouting (C) I'm pretty sure.

If you don't trust me enough google and see what you can find on living organisms.

@CONNEXUS STUDENT the seccond one is wrong the answer is:

the invention of the microscope

1. fungus (mushroom)

2. the invention of the microscope
3. cell theory describes the three criteria for determining living things.
4. The student is correct; amoebas are probably alive because they have reproductive capabilities and create offspring through reproduction.
note this is for Connexus.

correct for 2023

Thank youu:>

Hey guys give me the answer

#1 fungus

#2 the invention of the microscope
#3 Modern cell theory describes the three criteria for determining living things.
#4 The student is correct; amoebas are probably alive because they have reproductive capabilities and create offspring through reproduction.

100% right

Lets go anonymous!!!!!

hhhhhhhhhh FAKE