Plllzzz Help,

Mitosis and Meiosis quiz
1. Skin Cells?
a)continually replicate.
b)become quiescent quickly
c)become senescent quickly.
d)have terminally differentiated.
2. Which cell type undergoes terminal differentiation?
a)epithelial cells
b)stem cells
c)hair cells
d)heart cells
3.DNA replicates in the(1 point)
b)endoplasmic reticulum.
d)cell membrane.
4.Which of the following might affect gene expression in a complex organism?(1 point)
a)the ability to reverse terminal differentiation
b)the types of cells near the site
c)the number of chromosomes being copied
d)the amount of time a cell takes to replicate DNA

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What are your choices?

This is for the Unit 7 Lesson 3 Honors Biology Quick Check

1. Become senescent quickly
2. Heart Cells
3. Nucleus
4. The types of cells near the site
5. Cells


tysm @Kuromi UwU 100%

@kuromi UwU is correct 100%

kuromi is right

Thx m8

Psy DAG is a wet blanket