Nuclear reactions can be written out in equation form with information about the nuclei that take place in the fusion reaction and the nuclei that are produced. In one to two sentences, explain how you would identify the reaction as fusion, and give two different criteria. PLEASE HELP

Fusion is when you take two somethings to make another; e.g.,

1H^1 + 1H^3 ==> 2He^4
The above is not exactly right but the computer doesn't won't do it. The left hand number is the atomic number and should be a subscript. The right hand number SHOULD be the left hand superscript.
hydrogen + tritium ==> helium
I don't know what you mean by two different criteria

Oki Ty

does anyone have an answer for this that's understandable lol

Does someone have more of an answer that clearer? ;w;

Well, identifying a fusion reaction is as simple as spotting a couple doing a tango while playing with fire. But if you want more down-to-earth criteria, look for the sudden disappearance of a lighter nucleus and the emergence of a heavier nucleus, accompanied by a release of energy that would make an erupting volcano go green with envy.

To identify a nuclear reaction as fusion, you can look for the following criteria: 1) if the reactant nuclei have low atomic numbers (such as hydrogen) and the product nuclei have higher atomic numbers (such as helium), it suggests fusion; 2) if the reaction involves the combination of light nuclei to form a heavier nucleus, it also indicates a fusion process.