Create an abstract image visualising the concept of distance and displacement in physics. Show two paths on a 2D plane representing journey of a particle: one as a straight line (representing displacement - a vector quantity), and another as a curved line (representing distance - a scalar quantity). The curvy path should show numerous twists and turns, whereas the straight line should be depicted from the starting to the ending point of the journey. Use contrasting colors for the two paths and provide an arrow at the end of the straight line to indicate direction, further emphasizing the idea of it being a vector.

Which statement correctly classifies distance and displacement?

a Both distance and displacement are vector quantities.
b Distance is a scalar quantity, and displacement is a vector quantity.
c Distance is a vector quantity, and displacement is a scalar quantity
d Both distance and displacement are scalar quantities.

From Internet:

Displacement is a vector quantity because it has both magnitude and direction. The shortest distance between the initial and final point of an object within a particular time is considered to be displacement. It is defined as the change in the position of an object. Displacement is known as a vector quantity having a direction and magnitude.

answer is b Distance is a scalar quantity, and displacement is a vector quantity. :)

Force and Motion Unit Test:

1: 5 Feet
2: The cat began its journey in bed and ended its journey 10 meters to the right of its bed.
3: Distance is a scalar quantity, and displacement is a vector quantity.
4: a downward-sloping line segment
5: 50 N; the slab will move upward
6: 98 N
7: 11.34 kg*m/s
8: The acceleration decreases to a quarter of its original value, or about 0.13 m/s2.
9: Segments 2 and 3 have equal periods of time but the force during segment 2 is different than the force during segment 3.
10: velocity and position
11: Decreasing the mass of the airplane will result in the airplane accelerating more.
12: There is both a positive correlation and causation.
13: The drag on the helicopter is directed downward and to the south.
14: dynamic equilibrium
15: between 200,000 and 300,000 km/s
16: Essay Response
17: Essay Response
18: Essay Response

Hope this helps! Good luck!

guy above me is wrong btw ^^

dude whos saying Jimin is wrong, is literally lying. I got a 100

there's also another LLC that has the SAME CORRECT answers.

he right thx

The correct statement that classifies distance and displacement is:

b) Distance is a scalar quantity, and displacement is a vector quantity.

To understand this classification, it is important to know the definitions of distance and displacement:

- Distance is a scalar quantity that represents the total length of the path traveled by an object. It is a measure of how much ground an object has covered, regardless of direction. For example, if you walk 5 kilometers to the north and then 2 kilometers to the east, your total distance traveled would be 7 kilometers.

- Displacement, on the other hand, is a vector quantity that represents the change in position of an object. It takes into account both the magnitude (size) and direction of the change. For example, if you walk 5 kilometers to the north and then 2 kilometers east, your displacement would be a vector pointing from your starting point to your ending point, with a magnitude of 5 kilometers and a direction of 28.07 degrees northeast.

So, while distance is only concerned with the magnitude of the path traveled, displacement also considers the direction of the change in position. Therefore, distance is a scalar quantity, and displacement is a vector quantity.