Lesson 1: southwest and south asia today portfolio. Social studies 7 B Unit 4: southwest and south asia today portfolio. Need a lot of help it is and doesn't help me at all and I am doing poverty and no where in text book so please help I am stuck on it and I severely need help please help me I am worried I will fail so any help will be appreciated

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ht tps: // docs. google. com / document / d / 1TDcvzMaUF4j6EgZ4JlZAT6Jq8s9aPo23TL4n46GWk9s / edit? usp = sharing
Add your name in a comment and I will add it for you! Hv a nice day/Night!

Southwest Asia and South Asia Portfolio Worksheet Part 1 – Identify a Problem

Write a short response in complete sentences to each of the following questions. Each response should be approximately 3–4 sentences.

1. What is the problem you have identified? Be sure to include the nation(s) affected.

One major problem in South Asia is air pollution.

2. What supporting background information identifies the problem and provides supporting evidence that the problem exists?
It is causing severe health problems for millions of people in the region. Another problem in Asia is the prevalence of poverty and income inequality, with many people struggling to meet their basic needs. In addition, political instability and conflicts in certain parts of the region continue to cause significant challenges for governments and citizens alike.

3. What are the roles of government, business, and citizens in relation to the identified problem?

the identified problems of air pollution, poverty, and political instability/conflicts in Asia and South Asia require collaboration between the government, business, and citizens. Governments must implement policies to reduce emissions, alleviate poverty, and promote peace. Businesses must operate in a socially and environmentally responsible manner and create job opportunities. Citizens must adopt sustainable practices, advocate for policy changes, and engage in civic participation.

4. Optional: Are there any images, charts, graphs, or maps that can help you illustrate your identified problem? You may include these in an Appendix in your final paper.

STOP! Before you complete Part 2, review the Writing a Business Proposal Guide.

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Part 2 – Proposed Solution
1. What is your proposed solution to the problem? This is the “What” part of your business proposal.
I am writing to propose a solution to address the air pollution problem in Asia Our approach involves implementing a comprehensive air quality monitoring system, coupled with targeted emission reduction measures such as incentivizing electric vehicles, promoting clean energy sources and enhancing public transportation. This will not only improve the air quality but also promote the well-being and sustainable development of the region.
Sincerely,( your name)

The next two questions answer the “How” part of your business proposal.

2. What financial, human, and natural resources are needed to support the proposed solution?

fixing air pollution requires a combination of financial, human, and natural resources. Financial resources are needed to invest in technologies and infrastructure to reduce emissions, such as electric vehicles and renewable energy sources. Human resources are necessary to develop and implement policies and strategies to reduce air pollution, including regulatory frameworks, education, and awareness campaigns. Natural resources, such as clean air, water, and land, are essential to support the sustainable development of communities and to ensure the long-term health and well-being of both people and the planet. Together, these resources can be leveraged to implement effective solutions to reduce air pollution and create a healthier and more sustainable world.

3. What should government, business leaders, and citizens do to make your solution happen?
the government should enforce strict emission standards, promote public transportation, and incentivize renewable energy sources. Business leaders should invest in cleaner technologies, adopt sustainable practices, and reduce the carbon footprint of their operations. Citizens can contribute by reducing their energy consumption, using public transportation, and advocating for environmentally-friendly policies. Collectively, these efforts can lead to a cleaner and healthier environment for present and future generations.

5. What positive outcome do you think will happen if your solution is carried out? Consider how the solution will benefit the region and its citizens. This answers the “Why” parts of your business proposal including why you want to carry out your solution and why others (your audience) should help you.

stopping air pollution in Asia would have numerous positive outcomes, including improved public health, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and a more sustainable future. With cleaner air, people would experience lower rates of respiratory illness and related health problems, resulting in a healthier population and reduced healthcare costs. Additionally, the reduction of air pollution would contribute to the global effort to mitigate climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Finally, a more sustainable future would be created as industries transition to cleaner technologies and practices, creating new opportunities for growth and development while preserving the environment for future generations

(i would paraprase all of it before submitting or its gonna be plagiarism)

I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling with your portfolio project. I can try to help you understand and gather information for your assignment.

To start, it would be helpful to know what specific aspects of poverty in Southwest and South Asia you need to focus on for your portfolio. Poverty is a broad topic, so it's important to narrow it down to a specific theme or issue within the region.

Here are some steps you can take to gather information and complete your portfolio:

1. Review your textbook: While you mentioned that the textbook doesn't have information on poverty, it's still a good starting point to gather general knowledge about the region. Pay attention to chapters or sections that discuss the social, economic, or political aspects of Southwest and South Asia. While poverty may not be explicitly mentioned, you can gather information about factors that contribute to poverty, such as income inequality, lack of access to education or healthcare, or political instability.

2. Online research: Use search engines and reliable sources to find information specifically about poverty in Southwest and South Asia. Look for reputable organizations or research institutes that have conducted studies on poverty in the region. The World Bank, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and Asian Development Bank are good starting points for finding data and reports on poverty.

3. Focus on specific countries: Southwest and South Asia consist of multiple countries, each with its own unique challenges and circumstances. Choose a few countries from the region to analyze in your portfolio. Look for information on the poverty rates, causes, and possible solutions for each country. This would give your portfolio depth and a more nuanced understanding of the region.

4. Include case studies: To enhance your portfolio, consider including case studies or real-life examples of individuals or communities experiencing poverty in Southwest and South Asia. These case studies can help illustrate the challenges they face and potential solutions that have been implemented.

5. Analyze data: Look for relevant statistical data related to poverty in Southwest and South Asia. This might include poverty rates, income distribution, access to basic services, or the impact of poverty on specific groups (e.g., women, children, or ethnic minorities). Presenting and analyzing data can add credibility and depth to your portfolio.

6. Utilize graphs, charts, and visuals: To make your portfolio visually appealing and engaging, consider using graphs, charts, and visuals to present your data and findings. These can help communicate the information effectively and make your portfolio more impactful.

7. Draw conclusions and propose solutions: Once you have gathered all the necessary information, analyze the data, draw conclusions, and propose solutions to address poverty in the region. This could include suggesting policies, programs, or initiatives that could alleviate poverty in Southwest and South Asia.

Remember to cite your sources properly and adhere to any guidelines or requirements provided by your teacher. Taking these steps should help you gather the necessary information for your portfolio on poverty in Southwest and South Asia. Good luck with your assignment!

I'm on part 2 question one im doing pollution how!