How do the terms genotype and phenotype relate?(1 point)

An organism’s phenotype leads to its genotype.
An organism’s phenotype leads to its genotype.

Both are terms for observable traits.
Both are terms for observable traits.

An organism’s genotype leads to its phenotype.
An organism’s genotype leads to its phenotype.

Both are sets of alleles that define traits.

Do not need to duplicate choices.

An organism’s genotype leads to its phenotype.


1. An organism’s genotype leads to its phenotypes
2. the set of alleles an organism has for a trait.
3. Alleles.
4. Both are expressed as a tall phenotype.
5. TT or tt

@John s fist answer was incorrect, but the rest were right!

Rude buster is lying, all of @johns answers are right, i got a 80 when i could have gotten a 100% listeing to rude john guys

All of John's answers are correct! :DD Thx mate

john gave me 100%

John is right

@rude buster is right. All of @john answers are correct except for the first.

1) An organism’s genotype leads to its phenotype.
2) the set of alleles an organism has for a trait.
3) alleles.
4) Both are expressed as a tall phenotype.
5) TT or tt

lmao im dumb. just realized he did put the right answers i just selected to wrong option. 🤡

The correct statement is:

An organism’s genotype leads to its phenotype.

The terms genotype and phenotype are related in that an organism's genotype determines its phenotype.

To understand this relationship, it's important to define the terms. The genotype refers to the genetic makeup of an organism, specifically the collection of genes and alleles it possesses. These genes and alleles are inherited from the organism's parents.

On the other hand, the phenotype refers to the observable characteristics or traits of an organism. These traits can include physical features, such as eye color, as well as physiological and behavioral characteristics.

The genotype of an organism contains the instructions or blueprint for the development of its traits. It determines the presence of specific alleles that contribute to the organism's phenotype. In other words, the genotype provides the potential for certain traits to be expressed.

However, it is important to note that not all aspects of an organism's phenotype are solely determined by its genotype. Environmental factors, such as diet and exposure to certain conditions, can also influence the expression of traits. Nonetheless, the genotype serves as a foundational influence on an organism's phenotype.