In 5-10 sentences , discuss the theme of African pride in their roots highlighted throughout this Unit . Where can you see this theme and how is it demonstrated ? Use examples from the text to support your answer . The Poems , "Africa " and "Telephone Conversation " and the short stories : No Witchcraft for Sale " " The Moment Before the Gun Went Off "The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses " and " Black Girl are great examples to use here. Can someone please help me with this, I have no idea what to put.

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The theme of African pride in their roots is emphasized consistently throughout the unit, primarily through the poems "Africa" and "Telephone Conversation" and the short stories "No Witchcraft for Sale", "The Moment Before the Gun Went Off", "The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses", and "Black Girl". In "Africa," the poet David Diop celebrates the African identity by glorifying the strength, beauty, and resilience of African people. He portrays Africa as a mother figure, symbolizing the deep connection Africans feel towards their homeland. Similarly, in "Telephone Conversation," Wole Soyinka uses satire to illuminate the theme of African pride by conveying the discrimination faced by an African man looking for accommodation. The protagonist's witty responses and refusal to be demeaned represent his self-assuredness and pride. In "No Witchcraft for Sale", the author Doris Lessing showcases the deep knowledge and understanding of African culture possessed by the African servant, Gideon. His refusal to share the secret of a medicinal plant with the Western doctor demonstrates his pride in his traditional heritage and his determination to protect it from exploitation. "The Moment Before the Gun Went Off" depicts the protagonist, Marais Van der Vyver, attempting to hide his mixed-race child from society, which ultimately leads to tragedy. This story highlights the complexities of race, ethnicity, and identity, emphasizing the impact of societal pressures and the struggle to maintain pride in one's roots. "The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses" centers around the character of Brille, an educated black prisoner who challenges the oppressive prison system, exposing the hypocrisy and highlighting the resilience of the African people. Finally, "Black Girl" explores the internal conflict experienced by a young African girl who works as a servant for a white family. Although she faces discrimination and mistreatment, the girl ultimately finds strength in her African roots, embracing her heritage and asserting her independence. All these texts unravel the theme of African pride in diverse ways, showcasing the richness of African culture, the struggles faced by Africans, and the unwavering pride in their roots. By analyzing the nuances of each piece, one can grasp the depth and significance of this potent theme.