Which of the following would have been an event Georgia's Liberty Boys might have participated in?

A court session to decide the punishment of those that participated in the Boston Tea Party.

A meeting in which they discussed ways to protest the acts being placed upon the colonists.

A town meeting to help enforce the Royal Governor's policies.

A meeting to enforce the King's policies and procedures in the colonies.


Copy and paste that in your browser, and read carefully.

Did they have anything to do with Boston? Of course not! So A is out.
Think about the actual meaning of each of the other 3 choices. Then decide which one makes sense for them at the time being described,


To determine which event Georgia's Liberty Boys might have participated in, we need to understand the purpose and activities of the Liberty Boys. The Liberty Boys were a group of American colonists who were active during the American Revolution and were known for their opposition to British rule. They encouraged resistance and protested against British policies that they believed infringed upon their rights and liberties.

Option A, a court session to decide the punishment of those who participated in the Boston Tea Party, does not align with the values and goals of the Liberty Boys. The Liberty Boys supported the actions of the Sons of Liberty, who organized and participated in the Boston Tea Party as a protest against British taxation.

Option B, a meeting to discuss ways to protest the acts being placed upon the colonists, is in line with the Liberty Boys' activities and ideologies. They would actively engage in discussions around organizing protests and resisting British policies.

Option C, a town meeting to help enforce the Royal Governor's policies, contradicts the principles of the Liberty Boys. They were against British policies and would not have participated in a meeting to enforce them.

Option D, a meeting to enforce the King's policies and procedures in the colonies, goes against the beliefs and actions of the Liberty Boys. They opposed British control and sought to assert the rights and liberties of the colonists.

Therefore, based on their objectives and actions, the event Georgia's Liberty Boys might have participated in would be option B, a meeting in which they discussed ways to protest the acts being placed upon the colonists.