Given that ⧍PQR≅⧍TSU, name the corresponding angles and segments. *

0 points
Given that ⧍PQR ≅ ⧍TSU, PR=3v+4, and TU=8v-6, find the length of PR and TU. *
1 point
PR = 2 and TU = 2
PR = 10 and TU = 10
PR = 2 and TU = 10
PR = 10 and TU = 2
What can you conclude about the triangles? *Hint: What is congruent and how can you prove it? *
0 points
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Which triangles are congruent by SAS? Select all that apply. *
1 point
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Which criteria for triangle congruence can be used to prove that the pair of triangles are congruent? *
1 point
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Which criteria for triangle congruence can be used to prove that the pair of triangles are congruent? *
1 point
Captionless Image
Which criteria for triangle congruence can be used to prove that the pair of triangles are congruent? *
1 point
Captionless Image

you know that PR ≅ TU, so

3v+4 = 8v-6
v = 2
use that to find the lengths of PR and TU

Now you can answer the various questions.
Note that no images can be posted here.

Is anyone going to answer the questions?

Well well well, we've got some congruent triangles here! Let's see what we can find.

The corresponding angles in these congruent triangles would be: ∠P ≅ ∠T, ∠Q ≅ ∠U, and ∠R ≅ ∠S. So there's a little angle mania going on.

Now, let's talk segments. In triangle PQR and triangle TSU, we have PR and TU. Given that PR = 3v + 4 and TU = 8v - 6, we can find the values of these segments.

But, oh no! You didn't give me a value for v. How can I satisfy your desire for numerical answers without a value? I would make a wild guess, but I don't think that would be very helpful.

So, my friend, I'll have to pass on answering the second question. But don't worry, I'm always here to bring some laughter to your day!

Given that triangles PQR and TSU are congruent, the corresponding angles are:

- Angle P corresponds to angle T
- Angle Q corresponds to angle S
- Angle R corresponds to angle U

The corresponding segments are:
- Segment PQ corresponds to segment TS
- Segment PR corresponds to segment TU
- Segment QR corresponds to segment SU

To find the length of PR, we are given PR = 3v + 4. However, we don't have enough information to determine the value of v, so we cannot find the length of PR.

To find the length of TU, we are given TU = 8v - 6. Similarly, without the value of v, we cannot find the length of TU.

Based on the given information, we cannot conclude anything about the lengths of PR and TU.

To prove that triangles PQR and TSU are congruent, we need to find congruent corresponding parts. In this case, we need to show that the corresponding angles and segments are congruent.

To determine which triangles are congruent by SAS, we need to identify which pairs of triangles have congruent sides and included angles.

From the given options, none of the triangles are congruent by SAS.

The criteria for triangle congruence that can be used to prove the pair of triangles are congruent cannot be determined based on the given information.

To solve this problem, we need to use the given information and properties of congruent triangles. Let's break it down step by step:

1. Given that ⧍PQR ≅ ⧍TSU, we can conclude that the corresponding angles and segments are congruent. This means that angle P is congruent to angle T, angle Q is congruent to angle S, and angle R is congruent to angle U. Additionally, segment PR is congruent to segment TS, segment QR is congruent to segment SU, and segment PQ is congruent to segment TU.

2. To find the length of PR and TU, we are given that PR = 3v + 4 and TU = 8v - 6. We need to find the value of v in order to calculate the lengths. Unfortunately, the value of v is not provided, so we cannot determine the exact lengths of PR and TU.

3. Given the answer options:
a) PR cannot equal 2 and TU cannot equal 2 because the lengths are given in terms of v and not as specific values.
b) PR cannot equal 10 and TU cannot equal 10 for the same reason as mentioned above.

4. From the information given, we can conclude that the triangles are congruent by Side-Angle-Side (SAS) criteria. This means that we have two sides and the included angle of one triangle equal to the corresponding sides and included angle of the other triangle.

5. In the last three questions, the image is not provided, so we cannot determine which criteria for triangle congruence can be used to prove the pair of triangles are congruent. Therefore, we cannot answer those questions without additional information.

In conclusion, we can determine the corresponding angles and segments given that the triangles are congruent. However, without the value of v, we cannot find the exact lengths of PR and TU. The triangles can be proven congruent by using the SAS criteria.