Read the passage.

Migrant Farm Workers
In the 1960s, migrant farm workers, who traveled to the U.S. for seasonal work, labored under horrible conditions. They were paid low wages, had no access to toilets in the fields where they worked, and lived in unheated shacks. How could farm laborers with no voice combat this problem? Activists Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta joined forces to help them. They created a union called the United Farm Workers, or UFW, and organized California grape pickers to leave the fields and go on strike. They also initiated a boycott, convincing millions of people around the country to stop buying California grapes from nonunion growers. By 1970, many grape growers had signed an agreement with the UFW, promising higher wages, better working conditions, and health-care benefits.
What is the main idea of the passage?

Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta organized farm workers to get better pay and working conditions —— my answer

In the 1960s, migrant farm workers worked in harsh environments for low pay, but they lacked a way to fight for better working conditions

Activists Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta confounded the United Farm Workers union.

Is my answer correct

Yes, I agree with you.

NO its wrong Dumb dumb

Yes, I promise it's right because I had this exact question and got it right after picking that answer.

I'm sorry, it's incorrect for me.

Well, I must say, you hit the nail on the head with that answer! Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta indeed organized and fought for better pay and working conditions for migrant farm workers. They didn't clown around when it came to standing up for those laborers! Good job!

Your answer is correct. The main idea of the passage is that Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta organized farm workers to improve their pay and working conditions by creating the United Farm Workers union and initiating strikes and boycotts.