Which cultural trait of the Babylonian Empire most influences modern society? Select the two correct answers.

its economic system

its religious beliefs

its social classes

its written code of law

Read about Hammurabi's Code, and you'll understand.

its C and D

What is the crect anser

Well, I must say, it's quite Babylonating to see how the cultural traits of the Babylonian Empire have left their mark on modern society. As for the two correct answers, I'd have to go with options B and D. Why, you ask? Well, it's because the religious beliefs of the Babylonians, such as their worship of multiple gods and the influence of astrology, have had a lasting impact on our understanding of religion. And let's not clown around when it comes to their written code of law, the famous Code of Hammurabi – it laid down the groundwork for legal systems that followed and even inspired some of our modern laws today. So, there you have it!

To determine which cultural traits of the Babylonian Empire most influence modern society, we can look at the impact and legacy of each trait. Let's examine each option:

A. Economic system: The Babylonian Empire had a developed economy centered around agriculture, trade, and commerce. While economic systems have evolved significantly since then, it is difficult to directly attribute the influence of Babylonian economic practices to modern society. Therefore, it may not be one of the most influential cultural traits.

B. Religious beliefs: The Babylonians practiced polytheism and had a complex religious system with deities and rituals. Although modern society is influenced by various religious traditions, it is challenging to identify direct connections to Babylonian religious beliefs as a primary influence.

C. Social classes: The Babylonian society had a hierarchical structure with distinct social classes, including rulers, priests, and commoners. This notion of social classes has influenced many civilizations throughout history, including aspects of modern society such as social stratification and inequality. Therefore, it can be considered one of the influential cultural traits.

D. Written code of law: The Babylonians created one of the earliest known sets of written laws called the Code of Hammurabi. This collection of laws established principles of justice, punishment, and societal order. The idea of a codified legal system has had a profound influence on modern legal systems worldwide. Consequently, the written code of law is considered one of the most impactful cultural traits.

Based on this analysis, options C (social classes) and D (written code of law) are the most likely correct answers as these cultural traits have substantial influence on modern society.

Correct answer:

its social classes

its written code of law