Use the poem to answer the question.

The snow drifts into hills of white.

The imprints of his lonely plight

Lie deep beneath the fallen snow,

Lost to all but those who know

The truths that spurred this venture forth

From warmer pasts to its present course,

The words, the deeds, the thoughts untold—

The love that lost to a heart too bold.

Reflecting hues of the starless night,

The snow drifts into hills of white.

In 3-5 sentences, identify and explain at least two stylistic devices that the poet uses to add interest and meaning to the poem.

Uhm idk sorry but hopefully someone answers your question! :D

No one will write your assignment for you, but someone may be able to check it if you post what you write.

Bru if your not gonna help than don’t say anything, let it be.

But you responded and you didn’t help sooo

First, try to identify any stylistic devices that you see, such as similes, metaphors, personifications and etc..

Once you have done that, pick at least two of the stylistic devices you found and describe how it affects the poem.

You can then use what your discovered earlier to back your statement with evidence from the poem.

I am sorry if this was not helpful to your question or incorrect.

I see repetition but nothing else I k now that’s wrong.


Use the poem to answer the question.

The snow drifts into hills of white.

The imprints of his lonely plight

Lie deep beneath the fallen snow,

Lost to all but those who know

The truths that spurred this venture forth

From warmer pasts to its present course,

The words, the deeds, the thoughts untold—

The love that lost to a heart too bold.

Reflecting hues of the starless night,

The snow drifts into hills of white.

In 3-5 sentences, identify and explain at least two stylistic devices that the poet uses to add interest and meaning to the poem.

(4 points)

"Read the excerpt from ""Life on the Mississippi"" by Mark Twain.

The Mississippi is well worth reading about. It is not a commonplace river, but on the contrary is in all ways remarkable. Considering the Missouri its main branch, it is the longest river in the world—four thousand three hundred miles. It seems safe to say that it is also the crookedest river in the world, since in one part of its journey it uses up one thousand three hundred miles to cover the same ground that the crow would fly over in six hundred and seventy-five.

In 1-2 sentences, explain the denotation of the word ""remarkable"" and its connotation in this passage.

(2 points)

people pretending to be ms. sue is extremely rude, and i wouldn't do it if i were you.

thx ig

Parallelism is the arrangement of words in a manner that allows for the same grammatical pattern. The repetition of 'the' in the seventh line is such an example.

Consonance was also seen in the repetition of the letter 's.'

I deeply advise you word this differently, or you might fail for cheating!

yes stop trying to impersonate me

Repetition - The same sentence begins and ends the poem which highlights the importance of snow in this poem.

Rhyme-Each pair of consecutive lines rhyme which creates a rhyme scheme. The rhyme connects the two lines together and shows that their meanings are connected. Rhyme also moves the poem forward and is pleasing to hear.

Btw, it's from connexus so u can trust me

Helping Hand is correct!!!!!!

For witch question

Helping Hand provided an answer to the question "In 3-5 sentences, identify and explain at least two stylistic devices that the poet uses to add interest and meaning to the poem" for the poem provided earlier.

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