Which of the following expressions are equivalent to −5+7−(−3)



= -5 + 7 + 3
= .....


A and D are the correct answers

To find the equivalent expressions to −5+7−(−3), let's simplify the expression step by step:

Step 1: Simplify the negative sign:
Since there is a negative sign before the 5, we can change it to "-5" and rewrite the expression as -5 + 7 - (-3).

Step 2: Simplify the brackets:
When we have a negative sign before a bracket, we can change the sign of each term inside the bracket. So, -(-3) becomes +3. Now, the expression becomes -5 + 7 + 3.

Step 3: Combine like terms:
We can now combine the numbers with the same signs. Adding -5 and +7 gives us 2. Adding 2 and +3 gives us 5.
Therefore, the simplified expression is 5.

So, the equivalent expression to −5+7−(−3) is 5.