Need help with the " Missionaries, Native Americans, and Settlers Practice ".

1. According to the protestant missionaries to the Pacific Northwest, what did the Native Americans need to do to become Christian?
I think its A.
2. What was the primary reason Dr. John McLoughlin discouraged missionaries from establishing missions near tribal lands?
not sure.
3. How did missionaries affect the settling of Washington? Select all that apply.
Not sure.
Help pleeasseee

here r the answers for this assessment.

100% correct

connexus person idk is right

thank you so much connexus person idk

connexus person idk got me an 11/12. C is just B and F! Have a great day!!

Why did the Christian missionaries object to the practice of flattening babies' foreheads?

They did not consider it a part of Christian culture.
They thought it was a practice adopted from the French trappers.

The correct answer is "They thought it was a practice adopted from the French trappers."

Which of the following shows that the Whitmans did not understand the Native Americans?

The Whitmans selected a location among the Cayuse tribe rather than the Nez Perce, who had asked them to come.
The Whitmans encouraged the Cayuse to teach them what they had learned from other Christian teachers.

The correct answer is "The Whitmans encouraged the Cayuse to teach them what they had learned from other Christian teachers."

How did the Protestant missionaries encourage settlement in the Pacific Northwest?

They published a book about the mission.
They spoke with government officials.

The correct answer is "They published a book about the mission."

What cultural difference regarding medicine caused conflict between settlers and Native Americans?

Native Americans believed Dr. Whitman should be held responsible for the deaths of those in his care.
Dr. Whitman refused to offer care to those who did not have a good chance of recovery.

The correct answer is "Dr. Whitman refused to offer care to those who did not have a good chance of recovery."

What motivated settlers to claim land in the Pacific Northwest?

Farmland was inexpensive and plentiful.
The climate there was milder than in the East.

The correct answer is "Farmland was inexpensive and plentiful."

Why did settlers use oxen to pull the wagons?

They were reliable.
They were the most tame.

The correct answer is "They were reliable."

It was recommended that the settlers take which of the following with them on the trail?

rocking chairs
cooking pots

The correct answer is "cooking pots".

What was the most common reason for death along the Oregon Trail?

gun accidents

The correct answer is "disease".

Which of the following 3 states were once part of the Oregon Territory?

North Dakota

The correct answer is "Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming" were once part of the Oregon Territory.

What gave Britain a claim to the land in the Pacific Northwest?

logging companies
trading posts

The correct answer is "trading posts".

How did the Oregon Trail affect the establishment of the boundary between the United States and Canada?

The Trail enabled a large increase in the American population, giving the U.S. a stronger claim to the region.
British traders grew wealthy and increased land holdings by transporting goods over the Trail.

The correct answer is "The Trail enabled a large increase in the American population, giving the U.S. a stronger claim to the region."

What caption would best describe the significance of this image during World War II?

Captionless Image
Many women marched and protested to keep the nation out of the war.
Women filled important jobs left open by men serving overseas.

As there is no image provided, I cannot provide an answer to this question. Please provide the image to get an appropriate answer.

the image is a girl flexing her arm with the text above it saying "we can do it"

The caption that best describe the significance of this image during World War II is "Women filled important jobs left open by men serving overseas". The image of a woman dressed in a work shirt and bandana was used in a World War II poster to represent the many women who took over jobs traditionally held by men while they were away fighting in the war. This poster encouraged women to take on labor jobs to support the war effort. The woman and the slogan "We Can Do It!" became a symbol of female empowerment and women's ability to perform the work of men.

What role did Washington play in Japanese internment during World War II?

The state provided temporary housing for internees
State officials supported students protesting internment.

The correct answer is "The state provided temporary housing for internees."

You would most likely find the Bonneville Dam and the Grand Coulee Dam in an essay under which title?

Where the Civilian Conservation Corps Began
How the New Deal Put People Back to Work

The most appropriate choice would be "How the New Deal Put People Back to Work." Both the Bonneville Dam and the Grand Coulee Dam were built during the New Deal to put people back to work and provide hydroelectric power to the Pacific Northwest.

How did the event shown make the Great Depression worse?


by disrupting railroad and other transportation routes
by forcing many farmers off their lands in search of work

As there is no image provided, I cannot provide an answer to this question. Please provide the image to get an appropriate answer.

it is houses with ash raining from the sky

The event you are referring to is likely the Dust Bowl. The correct answer to the question would be "by forcing many farmers off their lands in search of work." The Dust Bowl worsened the Great Depression by causing widespread crop failures, and forcing many farmers to abandon their land and migrate to other parts of the country in the hopes of finding work. The agricultural collapse also caused a drop in the value of agricultural products and led to a decrease in farm income. This led to a decrease in consumer spending, a decrease in industrial production, and a rise in unemployment. The weakened economy made it even more difficult for people to recover from the effects of the Dust Bowl.

Which statement correctly describes the Roaring Twenties?

The nation experienced economic growth, but not all people enjoyed prosperity.
Labor reforms decreased wealth disparity and made possible more consumer spending.

"The nation experienced economic growth, but not all people enjoyed prosperity" correctly describes the Roaring Twenties. While the decade is often associated with economic prosperity, not all segments of society benefited equally. Many rural farmers, African Americans, and women continued to experience financial hardship, while wealth and income inequality persisted. The economy was also built on a speculative bubble that eventually led to the stock market crash of 1929 and the onset of the Great Depression.

What headline would have appeared after passage of the Eighteenth Amendment?

Congress Debates Lowering the Voting Age
Gangsters and Bootleggers Bring Violence to Streets

"Congress Debates Lowering the Voting Age" is an incorrect headline as it is not related to the passage of the Eighteenth Amendment. The correct headline would be "Gangsters and Bootleggers Bring Violence to Streets." The Eighteenth Amendment, also known as Prohibition, imposed a nationwide ban on the production, sale, and transportation of alcoholic beverages. However, the law was difficult to enforce and led to the growth of organized crime, bootlegging, and speakeasies. Alcohol-related violence and corruption became more common, and it ultimately led to a decline in support for Prohibition and its eventual repeal in 1933.