Illustrate a stylized image based on history class discussions. Depict a balance scale, its two pans representing economic and moral issues. On one side, place symbolic items such as coins and wheat sheaves for economic issues. On the other side, place a heart and a pair of shaking hands for moral issues. Include a pair of old, worn out books lying nearby, symbolizing historical laws and novels. Make sure to create an antique look by using sepia tones, however, ensure the image is void of any text.

2.Which of the following laws whould the Free-Soil Party hove supported?

slave codes
Wilmot Proviso
Fugitive Slave Act

3.In what way did Uncle Tom's Cabin change the attitude of the Northerners about slavery?

They began to view is as a political problem.
They began to view it as an economic problem
They began to view it as a moral problem.
They began to feel it was none of their concern.

Wolmot proviso

moral problem



3. C
4. D
5. D
6. A, C
7. A
8. B
9. A
10. You have to write it yourself

A person is right

A person is correct :)


3. C
4. D
5. D
6. A, C
7. A
8. B
9. A
10. A
11. D
12. ( writing response)

@Da Answers , 100% rightttt !

@Da Answers right

da answers is right still!! (ik its only been a few days but whatever lol) :3

Can somebody please say the answers but with word explaintations like a - Abrham Lincoln as an example

@random user

i agree!

1. It only applied to the lands of the Louisiana Purchase

2. Wilmot
3. They began to view it as a moral problem
4. It reopened debate....
5. Wilmot
6. Naval blockade & seizing control...
7. An enslaved family....
8. His cautious nature...
9. It made slavery...
10. Essay Question is all you.
100% remember Q&A maybe mixed up

Nobody is 100% right!

For #10 I said “ The southern states wanted slavery and the north didn't allow it which was the first situation then sectionalism happened between the north and south when new states like Cali wanted to be a free state, disrupting the balance of free and slave states which was the second situation and also south favored states rights and north wanted unity, which was the third situation and basically the south has had enough of it and left the union to be the confederacy. Thus the civil war started.” Just in case you don’t know ! Hope y’all all pass 😛