In an ironic system a force of 300 n is exerted on a person with the area of 108 ^ 2 if the output Force experienced is none in what does the area of the output cylinder

To determine the area of the output cylinder, we first need to understand the concept of pressure and how it relates to force and area.

Pressure (P) can be calculated using the formula:
P = F / A

P = Pressure
F = Force applied
A = Area over which the force is applied

In this case, we are given that a force of 300 N is exerted on a person. However, we are also told that the output force experienced is zero. This means that the force is balanced or canceled out by some opposing force.

Since the output force is zero, we can conclude that the pressure on the person due to the input force is also zero. Therefore, the equation can be written as follows:

P_input = F_input / A_input

In this case, we have the force (F_input) as 300 N and the area (A_input) as 108^2 (108 squared). To find the area of the output cylinder, we need to rearrange the equation to solve for A_output.

A_output = F_input / P_input

Since P_input is zero, dividing by zero is undefined in mathematics. Therefore, we cannot determine the area of the output cylinder based on the given information.