The sum of five angle of an octagon is 750 . The other three angle are equal . Find the sizes of each of the equal angle

the sum of all the angles is ... 8[180º - (360º / 8)]

To solve this problem, we can start by finding the sum of all the angles in an octagon.

An octagon has eight angles, so the sum of all the angles is given by the formula:
Sum = (8 - 2) * 180 degrees
Sum = 6 * 180 degrees
Sum = 1080 degrees

Given that the sum of five angles is 750 degrees, we can subtract this from the total sum to find the sum of the other three angles.

Sum of the other three angles = 1080 degrees - 750 degrees
Sum of the other three angles = 330 degrees

Since the three angles are equal, we can divide the sum of these angles by 3 to find the size of each angle.

Size of each equal angle = Sum of the other three angles / 3
Size of each equal angle = 330 degrees / 3
Size of each equal angle = 110 degrees

Therefore, each of the three equal angles in the octagon measures 110 degrees.

To find the size of each of the equal angles in the octagon, we first need to determine the measure of each angle in the octagon.

An octagon has eight angles, and the sum of the angles in any polygon can be found using the formula: (n-2) * 180, where n represents the number of sides or angles in the polygon.

In this case, an octagon has eight angles, so the sum of all the angles in the octagon is:
(8-2) * 180 = 6 * 180 = 1080 degrees.

We are given that the sum of five of the angles is 750 degrees. So, to find the measure of each angle, we subtract the sum of these five angles from the sum of all the angles in the octagon.

1080 - 750 = 330 degrees.

Now that we know the total measure of the three remaining angles (which are equal to each other) is 330 degrees, we can find the measure of each equal angle by dividing this total by three.

330 / 3 = 110 degrees.

Therefore, each of the equal angles in the octagon measures 110 degrees.

the sum of all the angles of an octagon is 6*180 = 1080

3x+750 = 1080
3x = 330
x = 110