why did British want to expand control onto the Ohio Valley in mid- 1700s

Cause I told them to

1. D

2. D
3. B/D
4. C
5. C
6. A/C
7. C
8. B/D
9. C
10. Write your answer

Thank you Duck! 100%

10. From Brainly

Both the French and the Patriots employ scouting or reconnaissance strategies to attack their opponents.
Both used ambush attacks to fight against their opponents.

The French used conventional soldiers, while the American patriots used mostly any able-bodied to fight the war.
The French mostly fought on the battlefield, while the American patriots used guerilla war tactics.
French didn't use European allies, while the American patriots make use of the European allies such as Spain and France.
Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the tactics used by the French troops in the French and Indian war compared with those of the American Patriots during the revolution are in some ways similar and different.

1. to gain access to the region’s natural resources

2.It was one of the first battles of the French and Indian War
3.They wanted to maintain their strong fur trading relationship, The French respected Native American land and did not destroy their hunting grounds.
4.Slavery was permitted to entice Southerners to settle. Britain gained control of the territory from Spain.
5.Adams defended the soldiers while defending the Patriots' belief in justice.
6.that it is not the amount of tax that is the problem but rather the fact that the colonists were not involved in passing the tax
7.British citizens living in England faced increased taxes due to wars in the colonie, Britain had spent money protecting colonists from the French.
8.to declare allegiance to the King of England
9.Paul Revere had warned villages that the redcoats were coming,When the British headed out, Americans hung two lamps as a warning signal.
10.He strategically placed cannons overlooking the harbor which forced out the British.
11.the french troops in the french and indian war used a variety of tactics such as hiding in natural cover and conducting a winter campaign. they also employed surprise attacks and guerilla warfare. the american patriots in the american revolution used hit and run tactics known as guerrilla warfare and psychological warfare spreading false rumors to create confusion among the british forces. both sides used tactics that were well suited to their situations and goals demonstrating their creativity and cunning on the battlefield.

good luck :)

The British wanted to expand their control onto the Ohio Valley in the mid-1700s for several reasons. One major factor was the economic potential of the region. The Ohio Valley had fertile soil, abundant natural resources, and a strategic location as a gateway to the West. The British saw this as an opportunity to establish a profitable fur trade network and to exploit the region's resources for their own gain.

Additionally, the British government wanted to prevent French expansion into the Ohio Valley. French settlements in the region threatened British territorial claims and colonial interests. By gaining control of the Ohio Valley, the British aimed to secure their western frontier and block further French encroachment.

To get a more comprehensive understanding of this topic, you can consult various sources such as history books, scholarly articles, and reputable websites that discuss the colonial expansion and rivalry between Britain and France during the mid-1700s. Additionally, examining primary sources, such as historical documents and official correspondence from that period, can provide valuable insights into the motivations and strategies of the British in their pursuit of control over the Ohio Valley.