Writing an Effective Conclusion Quick Check

1.Which choice shows the correct organization of an essay?(1 point)

A. introduction, body, conclusion***
B.conclusion, body, introduction
C.conclusion, introduction, body
D.body, introduction, conclusion

2.Which topic should appear in a conclusion?(1 point)

A.the ideas you want your readers to remember***
B.an introduction to your main ideas
C.a transition to your next ideas on the topic
D.reasons and examples supporting your main ideas

3.Which sentence could appear in a conclusion?(1 point)

A.Is moderate exercise just as beneficial as intense exercise?
B.As the evidence shows, moderate exercise can be beneficial to good health.***
C.The study showed a 10 percent increase in cardiac capacity.
D.The program involved a variety of adults of different ages.

4.Which sentence could appear in a conclusion?(1 point)

A.You should take care with your personal information on travel websites.
B.Booking your travel online, in short, can add up to significant savings.***
C.There are numerous specialized travel websites that cater to different travelers.
D.Is booking your vacation online the best way to save?

5.Which one-sentence conclusion would make the reader want to know more about the topic?(1 point)

A.In summary, Wilson was enormously influential.***
B.That is nothing compared to what Wilson would achieve.
C.Wilson accomplished all this during her long career.
D.We owe a great deal to Wilson for her work.

Can someone please check my answers??? I have no idea if some of these are right.

I agree with all.

they are all correct except for the last one, the last one is b

1: introduction, body, conclusion

2: the ideas you want your readers to remember

3: As the evidence shows, moderate exercise can be beneficial to good health.

4: Booking your travel online, in short, can add up to significant savings.

5: That is nothing compared to what Wilson would achieve.

Sure! I can help you check your answers. Here's the correct organization of an essay:

1. The correct organization of an essay is: introduction, body, conclusion. So, your answer choice is correct: A. introduction, body, conclusion.

Now, let's move on to the topic that should appear in a conclusion:

2. The topic that should appear in a conclusion is the ideas you want your readers to remember. So, your answer choice is correct: A. the ideas you want your readers to remember.

Next, let's find the sentence that could appear in a conclusion:

3. The sentence that could appear in a conclusion is: "As the evidence shows, moderate exercise can be beneficial to good health." So, your answer choice is correct: B. "As the evidence shows, moderate exercise can be beneficial to good health."

Now, let's find the next sentence that could appear in a conclusion:

4. The sentence that could appear in a conclusion is: "Booking your travel online, in short, can add up to significant savings." So, your answer choice is correct: B. "Booking your travel online, in short, can add up to significant savings."

Finally, let's find the conclusion sentence that would make the reader want to know more about the topic:

5. The sentence that would make the reader want to know more about the topic is: "In summary, Wilson was enormously influential." So, your answer choice is correct: A. "In summary, Wilson was enormously influential."

Great job! You got all the answers correct!