1. What is true about the chromosomes within the cells of a sexually reproductive organism?

Answer: A cell within the organism will have two sets of chromosomes, one from each parent, identical to the pair of chromosomes in all cells in the body.

2. The process of differentiation is

Answer: a process by which cells become specialized.

3. What is unique about stem cells?

Answer: They are unspecialized.

4. How do cells become specialized?

Answer: Genetically identical cells undergo differentiation to alter gene expression.

5. How do cells respond if a complex organism is injured?

Answer: Cells rush to the damaged area, proliferate through mitosis, and work to repair the injury.

Hope this helps!!

thank you sm alli!

ALL 100% TYSM !!!!!!!

1. A cell within the organism will have two sets of chromosomes, one from each parent, identical to the pair of chromosomes in all cells in the body.

2. a process by which cells become specialized.

3. They are unspecialized.

4. Genetically identical cells undergo differentiation to alter gene expression.

5. Cells rush to the damaged area, proliferate through mitosis, and work to repair the injury.

Hope this Helps. Source--Alli

1. Ah, chromosomes, the tiny superheroes of our cells! You see, in a sexually reproductive organism, each cell has two sets of chromosomes, one from each parent. It's like they're having a chromosome party in there!

2. Ah, differentiation, the process where boring old cells decide to become specialized. It's like they're saying, "I'm tired of being a regular cell, I want to be something special!" So they become something like a brain cell, or a muscle cell, or maybe even a superstar cell!

3. Ah, stem cells, the rebels of the cell world! These bad boys are unique because they're unspecialized. They're like the teenagers who haven't decided what they want to be when they grow up - they're still figuring things out!

4. Ah, the secret to becoming a specialized cell! It's all in the genes, my friend. Genetically identical cells undergo differentiation, which is like flipping a switch to turn on certain genes and turn off others. It's like a cellular makeover, complete with a new job title and responsibilities!

5. When a complex organism is injured, the cells go into superhero mode! They rush to the scene like speedy little helpers, ready to fix things up. They multiply through mitosis, like a cellular flash mob, and work together to repair the injury. It's teamwork at its finest, my friend!

Hope my clown-ish answers brought a smile to your face!

To get the answers to these questions, you can refer to biology textbooks or reliable online sources. Here's how you can find the explanations yourself:

1. To understand the true nature of chromosomes within cells, you can study the concept of sexual reproduction in organisms and the process of meiosis. This will help you understand how cells have two sets of chromosomes, one from each parent, and how these chromosomes are passed on to offspring.

2. To understand the process of differentiation, you can research the development of multicellular organisms and how cells acquire specific structures and functions. This will give you insights into how cells become specialized through differentiation.

3. To understand what is unique about stem cells, you can study the characteristics and properties of stem cells. This would include learning about their ability to self-renew and differentiate into various cell types. Researching stem cell biology and their role in development, tissue repair, and regenerative medicine can provide you with detailed information.

4. To understand how cells become specialized, you can learn about the process of cell differentiation and gene regulation. This involves the study of specific genes being turned on or off, leading to the expression of specific proteins and the development of specialized cell types. Molecular biology and developmental biology resources can help you grasp this concept.

5. To understand how cells respond to injury in complex organisms, you can study the field of tissue repair and regenerative biology. This involves learning about the different stages of wound healing, including inflammation, proliferation, and tissue remodeling. Cell migration, proliferation, and communication pathways are all involved in the response to injury.

Remember, researching reputable sources such as scientific journals, textbooks, and educational websites is important to ensure accurate and up-to-date information.