Based on current climate trends, which technological innovation could help solve an environmental issue that is likely to threaten Australia in the future?

1. C using electric cars could help slow climate change

2. mining
3. High tides and storm surges

i am right dw is right!!!!!!

I am right dw is πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’― correct

Dw is right it’s


To determine which technological innovation could help solve an environmental issue threatening Australia in the future, we can follow a step-by-step process:

Step 1: Identify the environmental issue:
In this case, let's consider rising temperatures and extreme heatwaves as the environmental issue likely to threaten Australia in the future. Australia is already experiencing the negative impacts of climate change, including rising temperatures and more frequent heatwaves.

Step 2: Research existing technological innovations:
Look for technological innovations that directly address the identified environmental issue. In this case, solutions that mitigate rising temperatures or combat heatwaves would be relevant. Some examples could include:

1. Renewable energy technologies: Transitioning to renewable energy sources such as solar and wind, which can reduce the carbon emissions causing climate change and contribute to lowering temperatures.
2. Smart grid systems: Developing advanced energy grids that enable effective management of energy distribution, allowing for load balancing and integration of renewable energy sources.
3. Passive cooling methods: Designing energy-efficient buildings with improved insulation, reflective roofing, and natural cooling techniques to reduce the need for air conditioning during heatwaves.
4. Heat-resistant infrastructure: Implementing new materials and designs for roads, buildings, and other infrastructure to withstand extreme temperatures without causing damage or discomfort.

Step 3: Evaluate the effectiveness:
Consider the feasibility and potential effectiveness of each technological innovation in addressing the environmental issue. Assess factors such as costs, scalability, regulatory support, and adaptability to the local climate conditions in Australia.

Step 4: Determine the most suitable innovation:
Considering the research and evaluation, determine which technological innovation aligns best with Australia's needs and capabilities to combat rising temperatures and heatwaves. It's important to note that the suitability may vary based on region-specific requirements and available resources.

By following this approach, you can identify a technological innovation that has the potential to solve an environmental issue threatening Australia in the future. Remember to continually stay updated on emerging technologies and research to stay informed about the latest developments in climate change mitigation.

I am right dw is correct

I am right dw is correct

1. C
2. A
3. A