Which option describes a pull factor that influenced European immigration to the United States?

i give answers is correct! because i was really stressed over if the answers will right i will tell you all them now

1. Which option describes a pull factor that influenced European immigration to the United States?
Answer: Industrial Jobs
2. What role did nativism play in federal policy?
Answer: Concern over cultural differences led to more restrictive immigration laws.
3. Who most likely would have said this?
Answer: Political Boss
4. Which of the following is an example of acculturation?
Answer: speaking a blend of English and another language
5. How did zoning laws help to reduce the danger from pollution?
answer: They kept factories outside of residential neighborhoods.
6. What was the effect of the Bull Moose Party’s entrance into presidential election of 1912?
answer: It split the Republican vote and allowed the Democrats to win.
7. How were muckrakers able to influence American society and ultimately inspire reform?
answer: They contributed photographs and articles to magazines.
8. Which belief did President Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson share?
answer: The Federal government should regulate unfair business practices.
9. What led Jane Addams to open Hull House?
answer: She believed in helping the urban poor, especially immigrants.

Good Luck!



1. A industrial jobs.

2. C they have more time for leisure activities.
3. D The spoil system offered government jobs and contracts for political support.
4. D He supported labor unions.
5. C the passage of the nineteenth amendment.
6. B to show the harsh side of poverty.
7. C he would treat all interest impartially.
8. B bull moose.
9. C because of increasing immigrant population.

Bruh they are not correct what are yall on

i’m nervous about trusting yall

I need help

This is not a fricking quick check

My man iGiveAnswersa is wrong. I'm sorry, but 3/9.

help is here got it so wrong got me a 3/9

Here is the information you need for the essay question (aka question 10)!

"In 1881, James Garfield entered the White House and was soon swamped with office seekers. He thought that government jobs should be awarded on the basis of merit, or ability, not politics.

That July, however, a disappointed office seeker, Charles Guiteau (gee TOH), shot the President. Garfield died two months later. The assassination sparked new efforts to end the spoils system.
His rejection of the spoils system led to President James Garfield's assassination in 1881 at the age of 49.

Reform of Federal Jobs Vice President Chester A. Arthur succeeded Garfield. Arthur was a product of the spoils system. In fact, he was one of the New York customhouse officials dismissed by Hayes a few years earlier! Yet, as President, Arthur worked with Congress to reform the spoils system."


President Garfield was assassinated shortly after becoming president by a angered job seeker due to his efforts to abolish the spoils system (the system where presidential candidates would offer people supplies or government jobs as incentive to vote for them). his successor, Vice President Arthur, had gotten into politics through being a job seeker. Despite that, he continued the late President Garfield's efforts when he became president.

remember to put this information in your own words if you want to avoid being accused of plagiarism. Good luck on your quiz!