Julian and Brittany mailed 275 wedding invitations to family and friends and expected that they would all attend. Only 265 out of 275 people committed to attending the wedding. Calculate the percentage error.

The percentage error is 3.64%.

is it right?

its wrong lol its 3.77%

@Traveler is right

ya favorite math hater is here to save you again <3

1. $54
2. $19.69
3. 3.07%
4. 52%
5. 3.77%

hope this helps!

-Sad-girl :)

(prob going to copy and paste this to a few other questions so more of ya'll can see it :D)

To calculate the percentage error in this scenario, we need to find the difference between the expected number of attendees and the actual number of attendees, and then express this difference as a percentage of the expected number of attendees.

1. Start by finding the difference between the expected number of attendees and the actual number of attendees:
Actual attendees = 265
Expected attendees = 275
Difference = Expected attendees - Actual attendees = 275 - 265 = 10

2. Express the difference as a percentage of the expected number of attendees:
Percentage error = (Difference / Expected attendees) * 100
Percentage error = (10 / 275) * 100 ≈ 3.63%

Therefore, the percentage error is approximately 3.63%.