Consider the following scenario

There are variations in the fur color of mice. Some mice have white fur. Some have dark fur. Foxes more easily catch mice with white fur.
What will likely be a consequence of this scenario?
A. Brown fur will become predominant
B. Mice with brown fur will be less likely to pass on their genetic information
C. Mice with white fur will be more likely to survive and reproduce.
D. White fur will become predominant.

C. Mice with white fur will be more likely to survive and reproduce.

The likely consequence of this scenario is:

C. Mice with white fur will be more likely to survive and reproduce.

Since foxes more easily catch mice with white fur, these mice will have a higher likelihood of being preyed upon and therefore will have a lower chance of surviving and reproducing. On the other hand, mice with darker fur will have a higher chance of survival and reproduction, as they are less visible to predators like foxes. Over time, this can result in an increased frequency of mice with dark fur in the population.

In this scenario, we have variations in fur color among mice, with some having white fur and some having dark fur. It is mentioned that foxes are more easily able to catch mice with white fur. Based on this information, we can deduce the likely consequence.

To identify the correct answer, we need to think about natural selection and evolution. Natural selection refers to the process by which certain traits or characteristics become more or less common in a population over time. Traits that are advantageous for survival and reproduction tend to become more prevalent in a population, while traits that are disadvantageous tend to become less common.

In this case, mice with white fur are more easily caught by foxes, making it a disadvantageous trait. Therefore, mice with white fur are less likely to survive and reproduce compared to mice with dark fur, which would be advantageous for evading foxes.

Based on this reasoning, we can conclude that the most likely consequence of this scenario is that mice with white fur will be less likely to survive and reproduce, suggesting that the correct answer is B. Mice with brown fur will be less likely to pass on their genetic information.