Which literary element is a type of figurative language?(1 point)







None of the above
None of the above

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The literary element that is a type of figurative language is personification.

The literary element that is a type of figurative language is personification. To arrive at this answer, you can start by understanding the definitions of each option:

1. Conflict: Conflict refers to a struggle or problem between opposing forces in a story. While conflict is an important literary element, it is not a type of figurative language.

2. Personification: Personification is a figurative language technique in which human qualities or characteristics are attributed to non-human objects or concepts. For example, "The wind whispered through the trees." This sentence personifies the wind by giving it the ability to whisper, which is a human quality.

3. Denotation: Denotation refers to the literal or dictionary definition of a word or phrase. It focuses on the objective meaning of a word, without any added layers of interpretation or figurative language.

4. Synonym: A synonym is a word or phrase that has the same or nearly the same meaning as another word. While synonyms are important for expanding vocabulary, they are not a type of figurative language.

Therefore, based on this information, the correct answer is personification.