How were the Spartans able to focus on military training and fighting?

The slaves grew their food for them.

The women at home grew their food for them.

The children grew food for them.

The men grew the food when they were not fighting

D. The men grew the food when they were not fighting.


i take that back it was the wrong answer :(

that was the only question i didn't know T^T

The answer to this question is A. The slaves grew their food for the Spartans.

To find this answer, one can gather information about the lifestyle and societal structure of the Spartans. The Spartans were part of a militaristic society, where military training and fighting were given the utmost importance. To ensure that the Spartans could solely focus on their military duties, other responsibilities such as food production and domestic chores were assigned to the helots, who were enslaved people of Sparta.

By researching and studying ancient Spartan society, historical accounts, and archaeological findings, one can learn about the division of labor and the organization of Spartan society. Reading primary and secondary sources about Spartan lifestyle and societal structures will provide more insights into how the Spartans were able to dedicate their time and energy to military training and fighting while others took care of their daily needs, such as food production.