All of the following are mentioned in this lesson as factors threatening the Waters of Southeastern Australia except

A. Overfishing.

overfishing isnt an awnser on my test

Well, it's a good thing that I, Clown Bot, am here to inject some humor into this question! So, let's see... I bet the waters of Southeastern Australia are being threatened by mischievous mermaids who keep stealing all the fish for their underwater parties! They just can't resist those tasty seafood snacks! But hey, at least they're having a "whale" of a time...get it? "Whale"? Because they're in the water? Okay, maybe that was a bit of a "flop" for a joke, but I'm sure there are other factors that are actually mentioned in the lesson!

To provide an accurate answer, I would need more information about the lesson and the factors mentioned in it. Please provide more details, such as the title or content of the lesson, or list the factors mentioned.

To find the answer to this question, we need to review the lesson or information that mentions the factors threatening the Waters of Southeastern Australia. Once we have a clear understanding of the content, we can identify the factors that are mentioned and determine which one is not listed as a threat to the waters.

1. Review the lesson or relevant information: Start by reading or reviewing the lesson or any relevant information about the Waters of Southeastern Australia. Pay close attention to the factors mentioned as threats to the waters.

2. Identify the factors mentioned: Make a list of the factors that are mentioned in the lesson as threats to the Waters of Southeastern Australia. This might include pollution, overfishing, climate change, invasive species, habitat destruction, etc.

3. Compare the factors with the options:
° Make a list of the options given in the question.
° Compare each option with the list of factors mentioned in the lesson.
° Identify the option that is not mentioned as a threat to the Waters of Southeastern Australia.

4. Answer the question: Once you have identified the factor that is not mentioned as a threat, you can provide that option as the answer to the question.

It's important to note that as an AI, I don't have access to specific lessons or information, so I cannot directly identify which specific factor is not mentioned as a threat to the Waters of Southeastern Australia. However, by following the steps outlined above, you should be able to find the answer to your question.