i need help i don't get this

it says
A mother and her small child are standing in an inflatable bouncy house on opposite sides. The mother jumps up and comes back down again, transferring her kinetic energy to the child through the floor. How will the motion of the small child change?

1. The child will move up at a faster speed because the child has less mass.
The child will move up at a faster speed because the child has less mass.

2. The child will move up at a slower speed because the child has less mass.
The child will move up at a slower speed because the child has less mass.

3. The child will move up at the same speed at which the mother came down.
The child will move up at the same speed at which the mother came down.

4. The child will move down at the same speed at which the mother came down.

The child will move up at the same speed at which the mother came down.

ok i got it wrong but now i know the answer is The child will move up at a faster speed because the child has less mass.

The correct answer is:

3. The child will move up at the same speed at which the mother came down.

When the mother jumps and comes back down, she transfers her kinetic energy to the child through the floor of the inflatable bouncy house. This means that the child will gain the same amount of kinetic energy that the mother had when she jumped. According to the law of conservation of energy, this energy will be used by the child to move up in the bouncy house, and it will result in the child moving up at the same speed at which the mother came down.

To understand how the motion of the small child will change, we need to consider the principle of conservation of momentum.

When the mother jumps up and comes back down, she transfers her kinetic energy to the child through the floor of the inflatable bouncy house. This transfer of energy occurs because the floor of the bouncy house exerts an upward force on both the mother and the child.

According to Newton's third law of motion, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. So when the mother exerts an upward force on the floor, the floor exerts a downward force on the mother. Similarly, the floor exerts an upward force on the child, causing the child to move.

Now, let's look at the options provided:

1. The child will move up at a faster speed because the child has less mass.
This option is incorrect. While it's true that the child has less mass than the mother, the transfer of kinetic energy does not depend on mass. Instead, it depends on the force exerted on the child by the floor of the bouncy house.

2. The child will move up at a slower speed because the child has less mass.
This option is also incorrect for the same reason mentioned above. The child's mass does not directly affect the speed at which they move up.

3. The child will move up at the same speed at which the mother came down.
This option is the correct answer. When the mother jumps and comes back down, the energy transferred to the child causes the child to move up with the same speed as the mother came down. This is because the force exerted by the floor on the child is equal and opposite to the force exerted by the floor on the mother.

4. The child will move down at the same speed at which the mother came down.
This option is incorrect. The child will move up, not down. The transfer of kinetic energy from the mother to the child results in the child moving upwards.

In conclusion, the correct answer is option 3. The child will move up at the same speed at which the mother came down.