Which of the following describes stylistic techniques? (1 point)


A. comparing relationships of words

B. using language to add meaning or effect

C. ways to engage readers in literature

D. ways to make things sound interesting

B. using language to add meaning or effect

To determine which of the options describes stylistic techniques, let's analyze each option:

A. Comparing relationships of words: While comparing relationships of words can be a part of stylistic choices, it is not a comprehensive description. Stylistic techniques go beyond comparing relationships of words.

B. Using language to add meaning or effect: This option accurately describes stylistic techniques. Stylistic techniques involve using language in a creative way to convey meaning or create a specific effect. This can include the use of figurative language, symbolism, repetition, or other literary devices.

C. Ways to engage readers in literature: While engaging readers is a desired outcome of employing stylistic techniques, this option does not directly describe what stylistic techniques are.

D. Ways to make things sound interesting: This option is somewhat related to stylistic techniques, as they aim to make written or spoken language more engaging and captivating. However, it is a narrower description and does not fully encompass the range of possibilities within stylistic choices.

Therefore, the correct option is B. Using language to add meaning or effect. Stylistic techniques involve using language creatively to convey meaning or create a specific effect in writing or speech.

The correct answer is B. using language to add meaning or effect.