A submersible can dive to a depth of 2000 feet below sea level at a rate of 325 feet per minute. How deep would the submersible be in 45 seconds?

The submersible would be 812.5 feet deep in 45 seconds.

To find out how deep the submersible would be in 45 seconds, we can use the rate at which it dives.

First, let's determine how deep the submersible can dive per second:
Depth per minute = 325 feet
Depth per second = Depth per minute / 60 (since there are 60 seconds in a minute)
Depth per second = 325 feet / 60 = 5.42 feet

Now, let's calculate the depth the submersible would reach in 45 seconds:
Depth in 45 seconds = Depth per second * 45
Depth in 45 seconds = 5.42 feet * 45 = 243.9 feet

Therefore, the submersible would be approximately 243.9 feet deep in 45 seconds.

To determine how deep the submersible would be in 45 seconds, we can use the given rate of 325 feet per minute.

Step 1: Convert 45 seconds to minutes
To convert seconds to minutes, divide 45 by 60:
45 seconds ÷ 60 seconds/minute = 0.75 minutes

Step 2: Calculate the depth in 0.75 minutes
Since the submersible can dive at a rate of 325 feet per minute, multiply the rate by the time in minutes:
0.75 minutes * 325 feet/minute = 243.75 feet

Therefore, the submersible would be approximately 243.75 feet deep in 45 seconds.