Which line of dialogue is punctuated correctly?(1 point)

"Our lease says no pets," his mother replied.

I want a pet, James said.

"Why don't you start a dog walking business, said his sister."

"But I really want one", he whined.


"But I really want one," he whined.

The line of dialogue that is punctuated correctly is: "Our lease says no pets," his mother replied.

The correct line of dialogue that is punctuated correctly is: "Our lease says no pets," his mother replied.

To determine the correct answer, we need to look for the line that follows the correct punctuation rules for punctuating dialogue. In this case, we need to identify the line that includes the speaker's words, proper use of quotation marks, and appropriate punctuation placement. Let's analyze each option:

1. "Our lease says no pets," his mother replied.
This line is punctuated correctly. It starts with an opening quotation mark, includes the speaker's words, and ends with a closing quotation mark. The comma is placed before the closing quotation mark, which is the proper punctuation convention for a dialogue tag.

2. I want a pet, James said.
This line is not punctuated correctly. It is missing a quotation mark at the beginning. Properly punctuated, it should be: "I want a pet," James said.

3. "Why don't you start a dog walking business, said his sister."
This line is not punctuated correctly. The speaker's words are not enclosed in quotation marks. Properly punctuated, it should be: "Why don't you start a dog walking business," said his sister.

4. "But I really want one", he whined.
This line is not punctuated correctly. It is missing a comma before the closing quotation mark. Properly punctuated, it should be: "But I really want one," he whined.

Based on the analysis, the correct answer is: "Our lease says no pets," his mother replied.