two of the following proverbs have similar meaning which ones are they

1.Mothers' darlings make but milksop heroes
2. Still water runs deep
3. Mother knows best
4. Wide will wear but narrow will tear
5. As a twig is bent, so is the tree inclined

1. Mother knows best and 5. As a twig is bent, so is the tree inclined.

To determine which of the given proverbs have similar meanings, we need to analyze the meanings of each proverb individually:

1. "Mothers' darlings make but milksop heroes": This proverb implies that individuals who are overly pampered or sheltered by their mothers tend to lack toughness or resilience. It suggests that such individuals are unlikely to become strong or heroic figures.

2. "Still water runs deep": This proverb suggests that calm or reserved individuals may possess hidden depths of wisdom, knowledge, or intelligence. It implies that appearances can be deceiving, and quiet people can have profound thoughts or abilities.

3. "Mother knows best": This proverb expresses the notion that a mother's wisdom, guidance, or advice is often reliable and should be trusted. It emphasizes the idea that mothers have a deep understanding of their children's needs and what is best for them.

4. "Wide will wear but narrow will tear": This proverb conveys the message that something wide or spacious may endure, while something narrow or limited may easily break or be damaged. It suggests that moderation, balance, or flexibility is preferable to extremes.

5. "As a twig is bent, so is the tree inclined": This proverb implies that a person's upbringing or early experiences significantly influence their future behavior or character. It suggests that the early influences in someone's life shape their long-term traits or tendencies.

From the given proverbs, the two that have a similar meaning are:

2. "Still water runs deep": This proverb emphasizes the concept of hidden depths beneath a calm or reserved exterior.

5. "As a twig is bent, so is the tree inclined": This proverb highlights the idea that early influences shape a person's character or behavior.

Both proverbs 2 and 5 share the theme of underlying depth or hidden qualities within individuals.

The two proverbs with similar meanings are:

1. Still water runs deep: This proverb means that quiet or reserved people often have deep thoughts or qualities that may not be immediately apparent.

2. Mother knows best: This proverb implies that a mother's advice or intuition is usually correct or should be trusted.

Both proverbs focus on the idea that there is more to a situation or a person than what meets the eye.