Which risks are involved in both underground mining and surface mining? what are the two correct answers.

1. ground instability
2. respiratory disease
3. methane gas buildup
4. high water pressure
5. UV exposure

The two correct answers are:

1. Ground instability
2. Respiratory disease

The two correct answers for risks involved in both underground mining and surface mining are:

1. Ground instability: Both underground and surface mining can encounter ground instability issues such as collapses, cave-ins, landslides, or subsidence. This risk arises due to the removal of large amounts of earth and rocks, which can potentially destabilize the surrounding terrain.

2. Respiratory disease: Miners are exposed to dust and harmful substances in both underground and surface mining operations. This exposure can lead to respiratory diseases such as pneumoconiosis (Black Lung Disease) or silicosis, which can significantly impact a miner's health over time.

To determine the risks involved in mining, it is essential to research and analyze available resources such as safety reports, studies conducted by mining companies, and regulatory agencies. These sources provide insights into the hazards associated with mining activities and the specific risks miners face. Additionally, government agencies like the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) in the United States provide comprehensive guidelines and information on mining safety, including specific risks and preventive measures for different mining methods.

The correct answers identified are:

1. Ground instability
2. Methane gas buildup