Suppose the stock market gains the same amount, m, 4 days in a row. Which inequality shows how much the stock market could gain per day but must be less than 376 points above its starting point?(1 point)


A: 4m>376




To solve this problem, we need to set up an inequality that represents the given scenario.

Let's let x be the starting point of the stock market.

Then, after four days of gaining m points each day, the ending point is x + 4m.

We want to find the value of m that satisfies the condition that the ending point must be less than 376 points above the starting point. This can be represented as:

x + 4m < x + 376

Simplifying this inequality, we can cancel out the x terms on both sides, leaving:

4m < 376

Dividing both sides by 4, we get:

m < 94

Therefore, the inequality that shows how much the stock market could gain per day but must be less than 376 points above its starting point is:

4m < 376


m < 94

The answer is D.

To find the answer, let's break down the information given in the question.

The stock market gains the same amount, m, for 4 days in a row. This means that the total gain in the stock market over those 4 days would be 4m.

The question also states that the stock market gains per day must be less than 376 points above its starting point. This means that 4m (total gain over 4 days) should be less than 376.

So, the correct inequality would be:

4m < 376

Therefore, the correct answer is D: 4m < 376

To determine which inequality represents the stock market gains per day, we can use the information given in the question.

Let's suppose the stock market gains m points each day for four consecutive days.

Therefore, the total gain after four days would be 4m.

Now, we know that the stock market gains must be less than 376 points above its starting point.

Mathematically, this can be represented as:

4m < 376

So, the correct inequality is:

D: 4m < 376