Use the story Ready, Rosie? to answer the question.

Ready, Rosie?

Why is Rosie afraid of Nugget?

(1 point)

Callie tells her that Nugget is big and powerful.

When Rosie is riding, Nugget takes off running.

Nugget bites her.

She has never ridden a horse before.

When Rosie is riding, Nugget takes off running.

Based on the story "Ready, Rosie?", Rosie is afraid of Nugget because she has never ridden a horse before.

To answer the question, "Why is Rosie afraid of Nugget?" you can refer to the story Ready, Rosie. The story provides multiple responses that indicate why Rosie might be afraid of Nugget.

1. Callie tells her that Nugget is big and powerful: This suggests that Rosie might be afraid of Nugget because someone has informed her about his size and strength. This knowledge may make her feel intimidated or anxious in his presence.

2. When Rosie is riding, Nugget takes off running: If Nugget tends to abruptly start running while Rosie is riding him, this experience can be quite scary for her. It could lead to a fear of riding Nugget, as she may feel out of control or unsafe during these episodes.

3. Nugget bites her: If Nugget has bitten Rosie before, it is understandable that she would be afraid of him. This negative experience could have created a sense of fear and caution towards Nugget, making her hesitant to interact with him.

4. She has never ridden a horse before: Rosie's fear of Nugget could simply stem from her lack of experience riding horses. If she hasn't ridden a horse before, the unfamiliarity could make her nervous or fearful. Since Nugget is the horse she is starting with, her fear might be specifically directed towards him.

By considering these different factors mentioned in the story, we can understand why Rosie might be afraid of Nugget.