An abstract, visually appealing representation of a mathematical concept. Imagine a stylized grid pattern representing a Cartesian plane. On this plane, illustrate a linear graph with an incline. Along the x-axis, mark four points symbolizing feet, and along the y-axis, indicate forty-eight points symbolizing inches. Emphasize the point of intersection for every foot and the corresponding inches. Ensure the image remains abstract and mathematical, without any embedded text.

There are 48 inches in 4 feet, which is represented by the equation 4y = 48x. what is the number of inches per foot

There are 12 inches per foot.

We can see this by dividing both sides of the equation 4y = 48x by 4:

y = 12x

This means that for every value of x (representing feet), there is a corresponding value of y (representing inches) that is 12 times greater. So, there are 12 inches in one foot.

Well, if we simplify the equation a bit, we can see that 4y = 48x is the same as saying y = 12x.

So, for every x feet, you'll have 12 times that in inches. Therefore, the number of inches per foot is 12.

But don't worry, you won't grow 12 inches if you eat a footlong sandwich!

To find the number of inches per foot, we can rearrange the given equation "4y = 48x" to solve for y.

Divide both sides of the equation by 4:
(4y) / 4 = (48x) / 4
y = 12x

Now, we can see that "y" represents the number of inches and "x" represents the number of feet, so the equation "y = 12x" tells us that there are 12 inches per foot.

To find the number of inches per foot, we need to solve the equation 4y = 48x for y.

The equation 4y = 48x represents the relationship between feet (y) and inches (x). It states that if there are 4 feet per y, then there are 48 inches per x.

To solve for y, we need to isolate it on one side of the equation. First, we divide both sides of the equation by 4:

4y / 4 = 48x / 4

Simplifying, we get:

y = 12x

So, the number of inches per foot is 12.