In "The Bells" what is a piece of an action highlighted? What intentions of emotions prompt the action? How would the story or drama change if the character involved were able to overcome the darker impulse and indulge a higher intention? explain.

In "The Bells," a piece of action highlighted is the ringing of the bells. The intentions of emotions that prompt this action are excitement, joy, and celebration. The poem describes the different types of bells from the silver bells that ring in the winter to the mournful iron bells that toll for the dead.

If the character involved were able to overcome the darker impulse and indulge a higher intention, the story or drama would change significantly. The poem would no longer be a description of the different types of bells and their corresponding emotions but would focus on the character's personal growth and the positive changes that result. The character would learn to channel their darker impulses into more productive behaviors, and their higher intentions would allow them to experience greater happiness and satisfaction in life. This would add a new layer of depth and complexity to the poem, exploring themes of personal transformation and overcoming internal conflicts.