John paints 2 portraits in 8 hours, 3 portraits in 12 hours, and 5 portraits in 20 hours. Which statement correctly describes this situation?

John's rate of painting portraits decreases as the number of hours increases.

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To determine which statement correctly describes the situation, we need to analyze the given information.

Let's start with the first statement: "John paints 2 portraits in 8 hours."
This means that John's painting rate is 2 portraits divided by 8 hours, which is 2/8 or 0.25 portraits per hour.

Next statement: "John paints 3 portraits in 12 hours."
John's painting rate for this statement is 3 portraits divided by 12 hours, which is 3/12 or 0.25 portraits per hour.

Finally, the last statement: "John paints 5 portraits in 20 hours."
John's painting rate here is 5 portraits divided by 20 hours, which is 5/20 or 0.25 portraits per hour.

After analyzing all the statements, we see that they all have the same painting rate of 0.25 portraits per hour. Therefore, the correct statement that describes this situation is:
"John's painting rate is constant at 0.25 portraits per hour regardless of the number of hours."

By comparing the painting rates across different time periods, we can determine if there is a consistent pattern, and in this case, we find that John paints at a constant rate regardless of the time frame.