How many real number solutions does the equation have?


This equation has two real number solutions.


We can solve for x by factoring or using the quadratic formula:

So the solutions are x = 6/5 and x = -2.

Using the quadratic formula:
x = (-b ± sqrt(b^2 - 4ac)) / 2a
x = (-2 ± sqrt(2^2 - 4(5)(-12))) / 2(5)
x = (-2 ± sqrt(244)) / 10
x = (-2 ± 2*sqrt(61)) / 10
Simplifying, we get x = 6/5 and x = -2, which are the same solutions as before.

Therefore, the equation has two real number solutions.

To determine the number of real number solutions for the equation 0 = 5x^2 + 2x - 12, we can use the discriminant. The discriminant is a mathematical expression that appears under the square root symbol (√) in the quadratic formula. It can help us determine the nature of the solutions (real, imaginary, or equal).

The quadratic formula is given by:
x = (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac)) / (2a)

In the equation, a = 5, b = 2, and c = -12. We can substitute these values into the quadratic formula and calculate the discriminant:

Discriminant (D) = b^2 - 4ac

D = (2)^2 - 4(5)(-12)
D = 4 + 240
D = 244

The discriminant in this case is positive (D > 0), meaning that the quadratic equation has two distinct real number solutions.