True or False: Thinking about your values will help you make a better decision.


Which of the following is not a step toward setting a goal?

1. Make goals that are clear and positive.
2. Base your goals on others.
3. Keep written goals visible.
4. Include deadlines with your goals.

2. Base your goals on others.

Can you achieve long-term goals by setting and meeting short-term goals?

Yes, achieving short-term goals can be a building block to achieving long-term goals. By setting and meeting short-term goals, you can gain motivation, momentum, and a sense of progress which can help you stay on track toward your long-term goals.

1. A

2. B
3. A
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True: Thinking about your values can indeed help you make a better decision. When you take the time to reflect on your values, you gain insight into what is truly important to you. Understanding your values can guide you towards choices that align with your core beliefs and principles. Making decisions in accordance with your values often leads to greater satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment. To identify your values, you can start by asking yourself insightful questions such as: What do I truly care about? What qualities do I admire in others? What causes or beliefs do I strongly support? Exploring these questions can help you gain clarity and make decisions that are in sync with your values.