Trace the impact of Mao’s communist policies on China.(1 point)


Mao began the Cultural Revolution and reignited Chinese culture.
Mao began the Cultural Revolution and reignited Chinese culture.

Mao began the Great Leap Forward that led to famine and many deaths.
Mao began the Great Leap Forward that led to famine and many deaths.

Mao acquired Taiwan as a new province.
Mao acquired Taiwan as a new province.

Mao persuaded students to protest in Tiananmen Square.
Mao persuaded students to protest in Tiananmen Square.

The correct answer is: Mao's communist policies had a significant impact on China, including the Cultural Revolution, which aimed to eliminate "bourgeois" and "traditional" elements from Chinese society and resulted in widespread purges, persecution, and violence. The Great Leap Forward, which aimed to rapidly industrialize and modernize China's economy, resulted in a massive famine and the deaths of millions. Mao's political ideology and governance also led to the establishment of the People's Republic of China and the pursuit of socialist policies. However, Mao's legacy is controversial, and his policies have been criticized for their human rights abuses, economic inefficiencies, and political repression. Mao was not responsible for acquiring Taiwan as a new province, and he did not live long enough to witness the protests in Tiananmen Square.

Why was 1989 a pivotal year in world history?(1 point)


Putin rose to power in Russia and took over.
Putin rose to power in Russia and took over.

The Tiananmen Square protests were successful.
The Tiananmen Square protests were successful.

Communism started to decline and the Berlin Wall came down.
Communism started to decline and the Berlin Wall came down.

Vietnam invaded and took over Cambodia.

The correct answer is: Communism started to decline and the Berlin Wall came down. The events of 1989 marked a turning point in world history as the communist bloc in Eastern Europe began to crumble and disintegrate. The fall of the Berlin Wall symbolized the collapse of the Soviet Union's grip on Eastern Europe and the triumph of democracy over communism. The events of 1989 paved the way for the reunification of Germany and the end of the Cold War, ushering in a new era of political and economic change and transforming the global balance of power. The Tiananmen Square protests were not successful, and Putin did not rise to power in Russia until 1999. Vietnam invaded Cambodia in 1978.

Explain the impact of the Vietnam War on American soldiers.(1 point)


Many American soldiers participated in the Kent State anti-war protest.
Many American soldiers participated in the Kent State anti-war protest.

Many American soldiers suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder.
Many American soldiers suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder.

Many American soldiers stayed to fight in Cambodia.
Many American soldiers stayed to fight in Cambodia.

Many American soldiers willingly enlisted in the draft.

The correct answer is: Many American soldiers suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder. The Vietnam War had a profound impact on American soldiers, many of whom experienced physical injuries, psychological trauma, and emotional distress. The nature of the war, including guerrilla tactics, y traps, and ambushes, made it particularly challenging and dangerous for soldiers. Many soldiers witnessed horrific acts of violence and death, and the stress and trauma of combat led to high rates of drug use, alcoholism, and suicide. The experiences of Vietnam veterans also led to increased awareness of the mental health needs of soldiers and helped shape policies and treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in subsequent military conflicts. The other options are not accurate or relevant to the impact of the war on American soldiers.

Evaluate why war broke out between the French and Ho Chi Minh. (1 point)


The French were supplying arms on the Ho Chi Minh Trail.
The French were supplying arms on the Ho Chi Minh Trail.

The French no longer wanted to support Vietnam.
The French no longer wanted to support Vietnam.

The Geneva Accords were unsuccessful.
The Geneva Accords were unsuccessful.

Diplomatic discussions with the French were unsuccessful.

The correct answer is: The Geneva Accords were unsuccessful. The Geneva Accords of 1954 were intended to end the First Indochina War and partition Vietnam into two separate countries, North Vietnam and South Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh's communist government controlled North Vietnam, while the French-supported government controlled South Vietnam. However, the accords were not successful in preventing renewed conflict between the two sides, and tensions between the French and the communist forces of North Vietnam escalated into the Vietnam War. The issue of supplying arms on the Ho Chi Minh Trail was a factor in the conflict, but it was not the primary reason for the war breaking out. The other options provided are not accurate or relevant to the reasons for the outbreak of the conflict.

Assess how the British used divide and rule policies in Sri Lanka.(1 point)


They favored the Tamil over the native Sinhalese.
They favored the Tamil over the native Sinhalese.

They made the Tamils refugees of the nation after a military coup.
They made the Tamils refugees of the nation after a military coup.

They chose Sinhalese over Tamils in bureaucratic positions.
They chose Sinhalese over Tamils in bureaucratic positions.

They used scorched-earth tactics on the ethnic minorities.
They used scorched-earth tactics on the ethnic minorities.

The correct answer is: They favored the Tamil over the native Sinhalese. The British colonizers in Sri Lanka used divide and rule policies to maintain control and perpetuate their power. One of the primary tactics they used was to favor the Tamil minority over the majority Sinhalese population. The British established separate administrative units for Tamil areas, which gave the Tamil population a disproportionate amount of power, access to education, and political rights. This created resentment and tension between the Tamil and Sinhalese populations, which ultimately contributed to the ethnic conflict and civil war that continue to affect Sri Lanka today. The other options provided are not accurate or relevant to the British colonial policies in Sri Lanka.


To trace the impact of Mao's communist policies on China, we can examine a few different aspects:

1. Cultural Revolution: Mao initiated the Cultural Revolution in 1966, aiming to eradicate capitalist and traditional elements from Chinese society and reinstate the revolutionary ideology. The movement led to widespread chaos and violence, as Red Guard factions attacked intellectuals, destroyed cultural artifacts, and displaced millions of people. The Cultural Revolution had a significant impact on Chinese culture, with many traditional and intellectual elements being suppressed or destroyed.

2. Great Leap Forward: Mao launched the Great Leap Forward in 1958, aiming to rapidly industrialize and transform China into a communist society. However, the policies implemented, such as collective farming and backyard steel production, resulted in widespread famine and economic disaster. It is estimated that tens of millions of people died as a result of the Great Leap Forward, making it one of the deadliest periods in human history.

3. Taiwan Issue: Mao desired to incorporate Taiwan, which was seen as a renegade province separated from mainland China after the Chinese Civil War. However, despite attempts to bring Taiwan under Chinese control, including threats and military action, Mao was unable to acquire Taiwan as a new province. Taiwan remains a separate political entity from mainland China to this day.

4. Tiananmen Square protests: While not directly initiated by Mao, the legacy of Mao's policies and the political system he established were factors leading up to the Tiananmen Square protests in 1989. The protests were largely driven by students demanding political reforms and democratic ideals. However, Mao's influence and the Chinese Communist Party's authoritarian rule led to a violent crackdown, resulting in the loss of hundreds, possibly thousands, of lives.

Overall, Mao's communist policies had a profound impact on China. While he aimed to transform China into a communist utopia and solidify his own power, his policies often resulted in immense suffering and loss of life. Today, China retains elements of Mao's legacy, but the country has undergone significant changes since his time in power.

1. Mao began the Great Leap Forward that led to famine and many deaths

2. Communism started to decline and the Berlin Wall came down

3. Many American soldiers suffered from PTSD

4. Diplomatic discussions with the French were unsuccessful

5. They favored the Tamil over the native Sinhalese

Love you guys, I'm watchin' ya'll from space. Hope this helped! ::)